Required application enclosures - Bachelor's Programme in Science

This page offers information on the previous education providing eligibility to apply to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science, what enclosures you need when applying, and how to submit them.

The instructions on how and when to submit enclosures are for applicants who are applying to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science for the 2025 intake (studies starting in autumn 2025).
Ad­mis­sion groups

There are two application rounds per year for the Bachelor’s Programme in Science. Each application round is for one of the two admission groups. Applicants belong to one of the admission groups based on their previous education.

If you are eligible for higher education but have not completed (nor will complete by 1 September 2025) a Finnish matriculation examination, an IB or EB diploma, or an RP or DIA examination administered in Finland, you must apply in admission group 1. The application period for admission group 1 is from 2 - 16 January 2025.

If you have completed (or will complete by 1 September 2025) one of the above-mentioned examinations, you must apply in admission group 2. The application period for admission group 2 is 11 – 25 March 2025.

If you apply based on Open University studies, you must apply in admission group 2.

It is very important to know which admission group you belong to and follow the instructions for your group. You are not eligible in the wrong admission group and thus cannot be admitted in that group. 

Do I need to sub­mit en­clos­ures?

In most cases, you will need to submit some enclosures with your application for the Bachelor’s Programme in Science. The required enclosures are:

  • A certificate demonstrating your eligibility for higher education
  • A certificate demonstrating your language skills
  • Authorised translations (if required)
  • A photocopy of your passport, ID card or residence permit card
  • Your SAT or ACT test results (admission group 1 only)

Do I need to sub­mit my dip­loma?

For certain diplomas, the University of Helsinki can verify your eligibility from an electronic database. In these cases, you do not need to submit your diploma. Check carefully below whether or not you need to submit a diploma demonstrating your eligibility. However, you may still have to submit other enclosures.

You will NOT have to submit a diploma demonstrating your eligibility, if one or more of the following apply to you:

  • You have completed a Finnish matriculation examination in or after 1990 or you will complete your matriculation examination in the spring of 2025.
  • You have completed a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification, a further vocational qualification or a specialist vocational qualification (as referred to in the Vocational Education and Training Act) in or after 2018, and will graduate by 23 January 2025 at 15:00.
  • You have completed an academic degree in or after 1995 at a Finnish university, a Finnish university of applied sciences or the National Defence University.

You WILL HAVE TO submit a diploma demonstrating your eligibility if your eligibility is based on any other diploma or study right than the ones mentioned above or they have been/will be completed outside the above-mentioned timeframe. Please read the additional information further down on this page.

If you fail to demonstrate your eligibility for higher education by the deadline, or your eligibility cannot be verified from the register of the Finnish Matriculation Examination Board or the electronic Studyinfo records, your application will be rejected.

Do I need to sub­mit other en­clos­ures?

  1. Please check carefully whether the required language skills are met with your degree certificate. If not, please submit another accepted certificate demonstrating your language skills.
  2. The University must determine whether you are subject to a tuition fee. If you are NOT a Finnish citizen, you need to submit a copy of your passport, ID card or residence permit card as instructed. If you are a Finnish citizen, you do not have to submit a document exempting you from tuition fees.
  3. Please make sure to check to which admission group you belong. If you belong to admission group 1, you need to take the required SAT or ACT tests and submit the test scores as instructed.

Please check further down on this page exactly what certificates you need to submit.

When to sub­mit en­clos­ures

The different admission groups have separate deadlines for the submission of enclosures during the application period. Please check carefully which admission group you belong to and follow the instructions for your group. You must submit all your application enclosures by the deadline specified for the admission group you are applying in.

Those in admission group 1 must submit all the enclosures referred to in the admission criteria by 23 January 2025, 15.00 (UTC+2).

Those in admission group 2 must submit all the enclosures referred to in the admission criteria by 1 April 2025, 15.00 (UTC+3).

If you submit enclosures by post, please note that a postmark dated before the deadline is NOT sufficient.

How to sub­mit en­clos­ures

Please check the application criteria and this webpage for information on the enclosures you must submit.

If your diploma (or other enclosures) comprises more than one page, you must submit copies of all the pages.

Please note that the enclosures will not be returned to the applicants. Do not send any original or unique documents that cannot be replaced easily.

At the ap­plic­a­tion stage

At the application stage, copies of original certificates are accepted as enclosures, unless otherwise specified (e.g., some language tests and SAT tests). 

Admission group 1: If you apply in admission group 1, you do not need to submit officially certified copies of your documents, unless otherwise specified. However, your admission decision will be conditional, if your eligibility is based on an unfinished degree. If you fail to submit a copy of your diploma by the given deadline, you will lose your place.

Admission group 2: If you submit unofficial copies of the required enclosures with your application and you are admitted to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science, the admission decision will be conditional and you must submit officially certified copies. If you fail to submit officially certified copies of the required documents by the given deadline, you will lose your place.

If you want, you can submit officially certified copies of all your certificates already at the application stage.  Read more information about submitting officially certified copies below under the heading at After you were admitted, if your admittance was conditional

At the application stage, you can submit your unofficial application enclosures to the University of Helsinki's Admission Services in one of several ways.

1. The primary method is to submit the required enclosures by attaching them directly to your application form in the Studyinfo portal.   

Include your name (last name first) and the type of enclosure in the file name, for example, “Smith Jane – degree certificate”, “Smith Jane – language test”.

2. As an encrypted email message

If you cannot add your enclosures to your application form at Studyinfo, we recommend that you submit your enclosures as attachments to an encrypted email message. The content of your message will thus be transferred in a secure format, making it less easy for third parties to gain access to it.

Please observe the instructions for sending encrypted email messages available here: Sending encrypted email messages to Admission Services.

Use “BSc programme enclosures” as the message subject, write your name and admission group in the message field, and send the message to: application-enclosures(at) Submit your enclosures preferably from the email address that you entered in the application form.

The file formats permitted for email include PDF, JPEG, GIF, TIFF and PNG. The maximum file size of enclosures sent by email is a total of 5 MB. Include your name (last name first) and the type of enclosures in the file name, e.g., “Smith Jane – degree certificate”, “Smith Jane – language test”.

3. As a regular email message

If you do not wish to submit your enclosures as an encrypted email message, you may, at your own risk, submit them to Admission Services in a regular email message. The University of Helsinki takes no responsibility for the data security of enclosures submitted as regular email messages.

If you wish to submit your enclosures to Admission Services through regular email, please use “BSc programme enclosures” as the message subject, write your name and admission group in the message field, and send the message to: application-enclosures(at) Submit your enclosures preferably from the email address that you entered in the application form.

The file formats permitted for email include PDF, JEPG, JPG, GIF and PNG. The maximum file size of enclosures sent by email is a total of 5 MB. Include your name (last name first) and the type of enclosures in the file name, e.g., “Smith Jane – degree certificate” or “Smith Jane – language test”.

4. You can also send enclosures by regular post or personally deliver them to the Admission Services’ mailbox. For the detailed address for sending or delivering enclosures, see the website on submitting the documents.

Admission Services will not send you a separate message confirming that your enclosures have arrived; you will be contacted by email only after your enclosures have been processed. Please note that the processing of enclosures can take several days.

If your enclosures are incomplete, you will be asked to supplement your application by the deadline specified. Messages about enclosures will be sent to the email address that you provided in the application form.


After you were ad­mit­ted, if your ad­mit­tance was con­di­tional

Admission group 1: If your degree on which your eligibility for higher education is based on was unfinished at the time of application and you are admitted to the Bachelor's Programme in Science at the University of Helsinki, the admission decision will be conditional. When accepting the place offered to you, you must submit a copy of your finished diploma. If you fail to submit a copy of your diploma by the deadline, you will lose your place.

Admission group 2: If you have submitted unofficial copies of the required enclosures with your application and you are admitted to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science at the University of Helsinki, the admission decision will be conditional. When accepting the place offered to you, you must submit officially certified copies of the certificates demonstrating your eligibility for higher education and your language proficiency. If you fail to submit officially certified copies of the required documents by the deadline, you will lose your place.   

You must submit the required documents by 1 September 2025, 15.00 (UTC + 3). However, we recommend that you deliver the required documents as early as possible.  Before fulfilling the condition you cannot take care of all the required actions related to the beginning of your studies. 

Read more about officially certified copies.  Please see the instructions on submitting official documents electronically.

Further instructions for conditionally admitted applicants.

Doc­u­ments demon­strat­ing language pro­fi­ciency

The University of Helsinki requires evidence of academic-level language skills from all applicants. Language skills can be indicated by your previous school or university education or by a standardised language test. Statements by individual language teachers are unacceptable, as they cannot be compared with standardised language tests.

As the language of the degree in the Bachelor’s Programme in Science is English, you must demonstrate your English language skills in one of the specified ways. Please see detailed instructions on how to demonstrate language skills in English

The methods and deadline for submitting documents that demonstrate language proficiency are the same as those for other enclosures demonstrating eligibility for higher education. See more instructions under How to submit enclosures and When to submit enclosures. However, please note that if you are completing the Finnish matriculation examination in the spring of 2025 and using it to only prove your language skills, it is enough that the University of Helsinki receives your exam results electronically by 13 June 2025.

Required enclosures

Below you can find detailed information on how to submit your documents and what to consider when submitting the enclosures.

Applicants who have completed an IB diploma must submit a copy of their actual certificate (Diploma until 2012, and Diploma of the International Baccalaureate as of 2013). The certificate need not be translated.

You can order a transcript of grades from IBO and ask them to send it to Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. If you do not give IBO permission to release your grades to the University of Helsinki, you have to send in the diploma yourself.

If you complete the diploma in the summer of 2025

You must submit the candidate predicted grades provided by the IB school. The prediction must bear the school’s official stamp. The predicted grades must be submitted by the deadline of 1 April 2025 at 15.00 (UTC + 3).

If you are admitted, your admission will be conditional. You must submit an officially certified copy of the final diploma by 1 September 2025 at 15.00 (UTC + 3).

Applicants who have completed an EB diploma must submit a copy of their certificate. The certificate need not be translated.

If you complete the diploma in the summer of 2025

You must submit the preliminary points provided by the EB school. The preliminary certificate must bear the school’s official stamp. The preliminary certificate must be submitted by the deadline of 1 April 2025 at 15.00 (UTC+3).

If you are admitted, your admission will be conditional. You must submit an officially certified copy of the final diploma by 1 September 2025 at 15.00 (UTC+3).

Applicants who have completed an RP or DIA examination must submit a copy of the four-page German-language certificate Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife. If the RP or DIA examination has been completed in Finland, a Finnish-language certificate of equivalence must be submitted as well. The certificate need not be translated.

If you complete the diploma in the spring/summer of 2025

You must submit a copy of the grade page of the certificate provided by the school in advance. If you are completing your diploma in Finland, please submit the Finnish-language certificate of equivalence as well. These must bear the school’s official stamp and they must be submitted by the deadline of 1 April 2025 at 15.00 (UTC+3).

If you are admitted, your admission will be conditional. You must submit an officially certified copy of the final four-page certificate and the Finnish-language certificate of equivalence by 1 September 2025 at 15.00 (UTC+3).

If your eligibility for higher education is based on education completed outside Finland, you must submit a copy of your diploma. It must feature the school’s official stamp as well as the name, signature and job title of the school's representative. 

Please note that all documents (except IB, EB, RP or DIA diplomas) must be sent together with an authorised translation into Finnish, Swedish or English, if the original document is in another language. An authorised translation can be obtained from the educational institution or an authorised translator. For more information on authorised translations, see these detailed instructions.

If you have previously received a decision from the Finnish National Agency for Education about the recognition of the level of your foreign university degree, you may send a copy of this decision.

If the grounds for your application are a degree completed at a Finnish institution of higher education prior to 1995, you must submit a copy of the degree certificate. For instructions on how to submit enclosures, see information under How to submit enclosures and When to submit enclosures.

For degrees granted in or after 1995 the University of Helsinki’s Admission Services will obtain information on your studies from electronic records. In exceptional cases where information on your studies cannot be obtained from electronic above records, you will be contacted and asked to supplement your application.

These instructions apply to you if you are completing your examination in the spring/summer 2025 and you belong to admission group 1. Please note that your examination must be completed by 1 September 2025 for you to be eligible for admission. 

You must submit a transcript of studies (from the current school year) or another certificate provided by the school indicating the qualification you are pursuing. The certificate must indicate the scope of the qualification and its estimated completion time and feature the school’s official stamp as well as the name, signature and job title of the school's representative. The official prediction provided by your school must be submitted by the deadline of 23 January 2025, 15.00 (UTC+2).

If you are pursuing a qualification outside Finland, please also read the detailed instructions available under Applications based on a qualification completed outside Finland.

If you are admitted, your admission will be conditional. You must submit a copy of your certificate by 1 September 2025, 15.00 (UTC+3).

Applicants in admission group 1 must complete SAT sections Evidence-Based Reading and Writing AND Math or ACT sections Reading, Writing, and Math. The results of the required tests must be submitted to the University of Helsinki by 23 January 2025, 15.00 (UTC+2) to be considered in the spring 2025 admissions round. The tests cannot have been completed more than two years prior to the application deadline.

The University of Helsinki must receive the results of the SAT or ACT tests directly from the test organiser (College Board and ACT). You must select the University of Helsinki (code 0483 for SAT and 8225 for ACT) as the recipient of your results when registering for the test. If you have taken the test at an earlier date, you must request a report of the results to be separately submitted to the University of Helsinki. Instructions for the submission of results are available on the College Board and the ACT website.

This document is needed to determine whether you are exempt from paying the tuition fee as well as for verifying your personal information. The University of Helsinki charges a tuition fee from students studying in languages other than Finnish or Swedish and who are non-EU/EEA citizens. Therefore, the University must determine whether you are subject to a tuition fee. Until proven otherwise, all applicants will be considered subject to a tuition fee.

You are exempted from paying tuition fees in the following cases:

  1. You are a citizen of the EU/EEA or Switzerland. Please submit a copy of your passport’s ID page or a copy of your ID card. Please note that your passport or ID card must be valid when the term starts on 1 August 2025. If you are a Finnish citizen, you do not have to submit a document exempting you from tuition fees, as we will be able to check it from electronic records.
  2. You are not a citizen of the EU/EEA or Switzerland, but you have a residence permit in Finland. Please submit a copy of your residence permit card (type A or P). Please note that your residence permit card must be valid when the term starts on 1 August 2025.

This document can be submitted as a regular copy – an officially certified copy is not required.

More information on tuition fees.

More information on documents exempting you from tuition fees (at