Conditionally admitted applicants

If the letter of admission that you received or your MyStudyinfo account states that you have been conditionally admitted, these instructions apply to you. The reason for your conditional admission is that we need some certified documents from you or specific information about your graduation. If you fail to submit the required documents by the deadline, you will lose the offered student place.
Submission of documents

This section provides information on the documents that you are required to submit as well as how you can submit them. See below for information on how you can fulfill the condition set for you and the deadline set for it.

Requirements for the documents to be submitted

EB, RP and DIA diploma certificates need not be translated, even if the certificate is issued in a language other than Finnish, Swedish or English.

Submission of documents to Admission Services

When submitting documents, indicate the programme to which you have been admitted. As submitted documents will not be returned to you, do not submit your original degree certificate. If you are unable to submit a certified copy of the original document, you can book an appointment to present the document in person at the designated service point.

After you have submitted your documents

We do not send messages confirming the arrival of documents. Usually, documents are processed within a few days after their arrival. Once your documents have been processed, you will receive a message from Admission Services.

When you have received confirmation that you meet the conditions for admission, register for the academic year.

If your documents are deficient, we will email you with a request to supplement them. Requests to supplement documents will not be granted any extensions to the deadline; the documents must be submitted within the originally set deadline.

Bachelor's Programme in Science

These instructions apply to you if you have graduated after the application period and you have been conditionally accepted to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science in Admission group 1.

You need to submit a copy of your final diploma / degree certificate to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki.

You must deliver the above-mentioned documents by 2 September 2024 at 15.00 (UTC+3).

Failing to meet the set deadline causes you to lose the offered study place.

These instructions apply to you if you have completed an International Baccalaureate or European Baccalaureate diploma after the application period and you have been conditionally accepted to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science.

You need to submit an officially certified copy of your final grades to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. Additionally, you may have been asked to submit a copy of a separate certificate proving your language skills.

You must deliver the above-mentioned documents by 2 September 2024 at 15.00 (UTC+3).

Failing to meet the set deadline causes you to lose the offered study place. If your final grades are lower than your predicted grades, your total score will be recounted and the admission decision may also be revoked.

International Baccalaureate

You need to submit an officially certified copy of your final grades (Diploma Programme (DP) Results) to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. Please order a Transcript of Grades from IBO and ask them to send it to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. Please note that it may take a while for the university to receive the transcript, as there might be some delay at IBO's service.

European Baccalaureate

You need to submit an officially certified copy of your final diploma to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. The diploma must feature your final grades.

These instructions apply to you if you have completed the Finnish matriculation examination or the Deutsches Internationales Abitur in Finland after the application period and you have been conditionally accepted to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science.

You must submit the below-mentioned documents by 2 September 2024 at 15.00 (UTC+3).

Failing to meet the set deadline causes you to lose the offered study place.

The Finnish matriculation examination

You do not have to submit your matriculation examination certificate to the Admission Services.

Deutsches Internationales Abitur

You must submit an officially certified copy of the four-page German-language diploma Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife and the Finnish-language certificate of equivalence. The Finnish-language certificate of equivalence is not sufficient without the diploma.

These instructions apply to you if you have graduated before the end of the application period and you have been conditionally accepted to the Bachelor’s Programme in Science.

Admission group 1: You need to submit a copy of your diploma / degree certificate to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki.

Admission group 2: You need to submit an officially certified copy of your diploma / degree certificate to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki.

You must deliver the above-mentioned document by 2 September 2024 at 15.00 (UTC+3).

Failing to meet the set deadline causes you to lose the offered study place.

International master's programmes

For information for conditionally admitted applicants to the international master's programmes, please see the website Guide for accepted and rejected applicants to international master's programmes.

Service for presenting original documents in person

The service is intended for persons who have been conditionally admitted to the University of Helsinki and who are unable to deliver officially certified copies of documents demonstrating their eligibility for studies by post or directly to the Admission Services’ post box.

The service is intended for the presentation of original documents. Copies of original documents cannot be presented here. 

Your original document must be stamped and/or signed on each page of the document, or issued on secure paper with safety features. 

The service is available in the Metsätalo building at Unioninkatu 40.

The service is open from April to August. See available slots in the calendar. Please note that there are limited slots available from April to June.

You can book an appointment here.

After making an appointment, you will receive an email confirmation reviewing the details you have submitted. The message also contains a link for cancelling your appointment. Please do so if you are unable to make it to your appointment.

NB! Make sure your appointment is before the deadline applicable to you.

Please enter through the main doors of the Metsätalo building and follow the signs in the lobby to the correct door. The Admission Services' staff will meet you at the door when your appointment begins. Please make sure to arrive in time. Otherwise you risk missing your appointment and will have to book a new appointment. 

Please do not come to your appointment if you are sick.

If you are unable to come to your appointment personally, you can authorize someone else to bring your documents on your behalf. You must give your written authorization when booking your appointment or by contacting the Admission Services by email before your appointment.

The service is intended for the presentation of original documents. You must bring with you all of the documents demonstrating your eligibility which you have been required to present. The documents must be original and stamped and/or signed on each page of the document, or issued on security paper with safety features. Please ensure that your documents include all of the pages that are officially part of them.

You must also bring with you a photographic proof of identity (driving licence, passport, identity card issued by the police). Please be prepared to prove your identity several times.

Officially certified copies are not reviewed at the service. They must be sent to the Admission Services by mail or delivered in person directly to the Admission Services’ post box following any applicable country-specific requirements.

An Admission Services employee greets those who have an appointment one at a time and receives the original documents demonstrating eligibility. The Admission Services employee will then verify the authenticity of the documents and take copies of them. The original documents will then be returned to you. A separate email on the results of the demonstration of eligibility will be sent to you soon after your appointment.