Why should you choose the University of Helsinki

We strive to be the best place to work for our staff and have also set this as our strategic objective.

We systematically develop inclusivity, pluralism, supervisory work and career opportunities, and we pay particular attention to occupational wellbeing.
World-class university
The best place to work

Our values – Bildung, truth, freedom and inclusivity – guide our activities in the recruitment and leadership of staff.

We promise our prospective and current staff that we will act in an open, equal and non-discriminatory manner. 

We ambitiously develop the services and benefits we offer our staff.

Equality is one of the University’s fundamental values. We identify and eliminate practices and structures that create and maintain inequality. Equality and accessibility promote the multicultural and multilingual profile of the University community.

The University’s students and researchers work together on the campuses, often in the same facilities. Interaction between students and other staff plays a vital role in the University’s daily operations. The University of Helsinki is a smoke-free place of study and work.

The Helsinki Metropolitan Area also provides researchers with numerous cooperation opportunities.

The high-quality teaching, research and innovation activities of the University of Helsinki are highly regarded on the international stage.

In international university rankings, we have continuously ranked among the top 1% universities in the world and the top 40 universities in Europe. We outperform other Finnish universities in several fields.

We are one of the founding members of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), which also includes the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Our funding base is solid, with approximately 60% of our annual budget covered with public funds. We offer comprehensive support services to applicants for research funding.

High-quality research environment

An opportunity to concentrate on research and teaching

At the University of Helsinki, researchers can focus on research. The share of teaching duties is comparatively small in relation to many other international universities.

At the University of Helsinki, teaching is solidly based on research. Accordingly, one of the University’s key strengths is scientific research and teaching based on it. This is also reflected in our fundamental principle: all teachers do research and all researchers teach. 

Research infrastructure and other services

We consider research infrastructures essential prerequisites for research work and a key resource for the development of research.

We use open data to make our research results available to society as shared knowledge capital.

Our competent and friendly support staff help researchers in their daily work. Specialist and support staff help research and teaching staff as well as students to concentrate on research, teaching and public engagement.

International community

The University of Helsinki is a significant international university and multicultural organisation, with staff and students from several countries.

The University attracts international researchers primarily with its reputation for high-quality research and teaching. The funding, awards and other recognition granted to our researchers attest to our standing in the international academic community.

Welcome to Finland

We wish to ensure that people relocating to Finland settle into their new environment as smoothly as possible.

To this end, we offer tailored digital services and individual advice. We also help international staff integrate into the academic and wider communities. In addition, all international employees have access to language courses in Finnish and the UniBuddy programme.

Finnish work culture

At the University of Helsinki, employees at different career stages work together in an informal manner, regardless of rank or hierarchy. Academic or job titles are rarely used in everyday situations.

People respect each other’s personal space and independence. Our work culture supports independent, self-directed working, without forgetting intercultural cooperation. Indeed, multicultural groups are common at the University of Helsinki. 

Experiencing academic freedom in Finland
Attractive workplace for specialists

Diverse expert organisation

Our expert organisation employs a staff of over 3,000 specialist and support staff, including marketing specialists at Think Corner, technicians at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and research funding coordinators at Meilahti Campus.

Interesting duties

A specialist or support service position at the University of Helsinki enables you to develop your work at the top of your field. With us, you will have the opportunity to use your expertise in various ways, experiment with the latest technologies and network with top talent in your field in Finland and elsewhere.


A driver of innovation and societal impact

The University of Helsinki is home to world-leading scientists and research groups who actively contribute to the successful ranking of Finland and the Greater Helsinki area among the top 10 most innovative economies¹ and emerging startup ecosystems² in the world.

Researchers and industrial partners who are interested in research cooperation receive help and guidance from Business Collaboration Services for launching and supporting successful cooperation projects. The UH’s fully owned commercialisation company, Helsinki Innovation Services (HIS), manages all steps of the University’s commercialisation process, all along the way from invention disclosure processing and evaluation, intellectual property protection, management and commercialisation of University’s patent portfolio and creation of spinout companies. Both services are supported on any legal matters by the UH’s Legal Services.

Find more information about the services on their websites. Our service teams will be happy to assist you along your commercialisation and business collaboration journey.

Browse open positions

Here you can find our open positions and instructions for applying.