
Urbaria organizes seminars and events, most of which are open to all those interested in urban research. You can find the latest information about upcoming events on Urbaria's social media channels and in our news updates.
Societal Interaction

Who hears the researcher? Urbaria designs and implements various channels and approaches for societal interaction. In addition to traditional scientific communication methods, the institute emphasizes the creation of diverse dialogues among different societal actors.

Urbaria Summaries Series

The Urbaria Summaries Series provides easily understandable summaries of the latest urban research. This user-friendly online publication by the Urban Research Institute compiles short literature reviews and research abstracts from the most relevant urban research publications. The series aims to enhance the societal impact of urban research. Urbaria widely disseminates these publications to various societal actors, including city organizations in Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa, where they are utilized.


Science Sparring

Science sparring is a dialogue-based method that brings together current research knowledge and perspectives with the expertise of practical professionals. It is particularly suitable for extensive preparatory projects, where structuring questions, answers, and the overall picture can be beneficial through collaboration between researchers, city experts, and decision-makers.

The goal of sparring can be, for instance, solving a specific challenge or achieving a better interdisciplinary understanding of a certain phenomenon. The purpose of science sparring is to promote the application and impact of research knowledge through interaction, trust, and long-term collaboration.

Activities for the Researchers

Learn something new, build networks, and engage in discussions! Urbaria provides its members a platform and opportunities to build networks with other urban researchers at the University of Helsinki. The aim is to maintain a community that nurtures academic creativity. Through its activities, Urbaria promotes transdisciplinary research.


Urban Lunch Hour

Urban Lunch Hour is a multidisciplinary gathering of urban researchers with the goal of bringing together researchers from the Helsinki metropolitan area, and why not from all over Finland, for casual discussions around a shared table.

The primary focus is to increase interaction among researchers and provide peer support in questions related to research content and methods. In practice, one or two researchers briefly present their research over a light lunch. The presentations are primarily given in English. After the presentations, the gathering continues with a collective discussion and questions about the research presented.

The seminar series is organized by Urbaria, the City of Helsinki's Urban Research and Information Unit, and the Aalto Living+ platform.


Urbaria Academics

Urbaria Academics is an academic seminar series that invites urban researchers from the University of Helsinki to discuss and learn about current urban research topics. The seminar series aims to bring together researchers from the University of Helsinki and foster discussions across different disciplines. The seminar series is organized by the PostDoc Forum and is broadly linked to the research topics of PostDoc Forum researchers. The seminars are given in English.


Urbaria Guest Lectures

Urbaria Guest Lectures provide an opportunity to hear about the latest research from international and domestic top researchers. Urbaria invites visiting urban researchers at the University of Helsinki to present their current research projects at Urbaria Guest Lectures. Urbaria members can also propose speakers for the lecture series.