Meet us at Slush 2024

The University of Helsinki and its technology transfer and commercialisation company Helsinki Innovation Services Ltd are main partners of Slush 2024. Our aim is to connect researchers with investors, industry partners, and other future stakeholders. Come and meet us at Slush on 20 and 21 November 2024.
Let’s create hope through innovations and entrepreneurship

The prospect of a brighter future drives our commitment to innovation. We are convinced that science-based innovations serve as the foundation for future technologies, and that science-based startups have the potential to become highly successful businesses. Those who believe in and support these ventures early on have the power to create impact and shape the future.

The University of Helsinki and Helsinki Innovation Services will exhibit science-based innovations at earlier stages of commercialisation path in Slush 2024 on 20 and 21 November 2024.

Come and join us to create hope through innovation and entrepreneurship!

Science-based commercialisation projects showcased at Slush
Y Science – Slush Official Side Event hosted by HiLIFE

Y Science is the annual Slush Official Side Event organised by the University of Helsinki's Helsinki Institute of Life Science on 20 November 2024.

Y Science brings together the curious scientific community and the business world to inspire concrete action and contribution to the society. With a programme full of exciting talks, pitch presentations and competitions, Y Science promotes the value of science-based business and encourages researchers to embrace a different way of thinking about impact.

In addition to science-based technologies startups, investors interested in, prospective business partners, and other stakeholders, Y Science welcomes innovative commercialisation project teams from the University of Helsinki to pitch in what is called the "Science to Business Runway".

Commercialisation for research

Helsinki Innovation Services Ltd is the technology transfer and commercialisation company of the University of Helsinki. Its commercialisation, business development and IPR experts are available to discuss and provide further information about our current commercialisation projects, technologies available for licensing and spin-out companies emerging from the world-class research conducted at the University of Helsinki.

Let's be in touch. Together we can spin science-based innovations into impactful businesses!