What Do Sustainable Agro-Marine Food Systems Mean In Different Nordic Contexts? -webinaari ke 14.6. kello 12-14 (CET)
12.00 Welcoming words
Silvia Gaiani, Senior Researcher at Helsinki University Ruralia Institute and Coordinator of the NKJ funded Nordic Research Network
12.05 Introduction by the moderator
Maja Kruuse, ICE Innovation Festival in Kirkenes, Norway
12.15 The Norwegian food system with a special view to food consumption and sustainability
Gunnar Vittersø, Senior Researcher, SIFO - National Institute for Consumer Research, OSLOMET, Norway
12.30 The Finnish food system: A selection of specificities and issues
Xavier Irz, Professor, Department of Economics and Management · Agricultural Economics · University of Helsinki, Finland
12.45 Sustainable food provision from an indigenous perspective. Sami perspectives from Sweden
Ildiko Aztalos Morell, Associate Professor in rural development, Division for Rural Development SLU/Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
13.00 Local knowledge and skill sharing - a key pillar of sustainability and resilience to the Faroese food system
Sunniva Gudmundsdóttir Mortensen, anthropologist, food activist and social entrepreneur, Faroe Islands
13.15 Barriers to a circular blue bioeconomy in Iceland
Nína M. Saviolidis, Post-doc researcher, University of Iceland, Iceland
13.30 Importance of innovation and collaboration in the food system in Denmark
Lars Visbech Sørensen, CEO, Food Bio cluster Denmark, Denmark
13.45 Q & A
Ilmoittaudu 12.6. mennessä!
Ilmoittaudu E-lomakkeella.
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