
Kieli, sukupuoli ja seksuaalisuus: teoreettisia ja menetelmällisiä näkökulmia -konferenssi
12.–13.10.2023, Helsingin yliopisto, Päärakennus
Torstai, 12.10.2023



Registration / Ilmoittautuminen

University of Helsinki, Main building


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Conference opening / Konferenssin avaus

Pekka Posio


Pieni juhlasali – Small hall


Plenary Session 1: Lucy Jones

Analysing identity and embodiment in the discourse of trans youth: A queer and trans linguistic approach

Chair: Pekka Posio


Pieni juhlasali –Small hall


Coffee break


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall



Pieni juhlasali / Small hall


Studium 1 F3020

Suomenkielinen sessio / Session in Finnish


Chair: Sanni Surkka


Lounela, Emilia; Kanner, Antti & Bedretdin, Ümit: Constructing Gender in Incel Online Discussions

Chair: Meri Lindeman


Sudenkaarne, Tiia & Parhi, Katariina:

Reading Queer Vulnerabilities: Cases for Bioethics and History of Psychiatry in Finland, 1954-1968

Chair: Tommi Niinisalo


Heikkilä, Eino:

Sukupuolen (uudelleen)kirjoittaminen etnografiassa


Karjalainen, Reeta:

Mental Health Memes as Gendered and Gendering Cultural Products in Different Internet Platforms

Dupret, Pauline:

Normalizing a Queer Practice or Queering a Normalization Process?

An Insight in the Contemporary Belgian Debate Following the Decriminalization of Sex Work/Prostitution

Jantunen, Jarmo:

Seksuaali- ja sukupuolisegregaatio ja stigmatisoituneet paikat


Lunch break


Pieni juhlasali Small hall


Studium 1 F3020

Suomenkielinen sessio / Session in Finnish


Chair: Pekka Posio


Motschenbacher, Heiko:

Labeling Theory in Language and Sexuality Studies: Initial Considerations

Chair: Pauline Dupret


Karaosmanoğlu, Defne: Domestic Technology in Discourse: Vacuum Cleaners, Gender, and the Everyday in TV Commercials

Chair: Jarmo Harri Jantunen


Rinta-Pollari, Alma: Maskuliinisuuksien representaatiot suomalaisen rap-musiikin sanoituksissa


Myketiak, Chrystie: Theorising and Analysing Desire

Hui Shi, Heidi: Gender Socialization of Chinese Children: Empirical Evidence from School, Family, and Media

Bindrim, Yvonne: Maallikoiden ja asiantuntijoiden näkökulmista sukupuolisensitiiviseen kielenkäyttöön neljässä kielessä


Niinisalo, Tommi: Finnish Queer Teachers’ Insights on Situational and Contextual Variation of their Discourse Styles in the Workplace

Marino, Luisa: Clothing as Gender Difference in Children’s Picture Books: a Social Semiotic Approach

Reilä, Anni: Saat itse määritellä, millainen olet. Selkokielisen seksivalistuksen retoriikka


Wang, Ping-Hsuan:

Negotiating Self and Others: How Interview Context Shapes Coming-Out Narratives


Lindeman, Meri: Translingvistiikka: transaiheisesta translähtöiseen kielitieteeseen



Coffee break


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Workshop 1: Lucy Jones

Doing ethnography in Language, Gender and Sexuality research: Issues, concepts, and reflections


Pieni juhlasali – Small hall


University reception (for registered participants only)

Perjantai, 13.10.2023

Program / Ohjelma


Plenary Session 2: Frazer Heritage

Lavender corpus linguistics: taking stock and moving forward

Chair: Meri Lindeman


Pieni juhlasali – Small hall


Coffee break


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Pieni juhlasali

Studium 1 F3020




Chair: Carmen Acosta Vicente


Formato, Federica: “What's in a Name?”: Reflecting on Terms and Terminology around Inclusivity in Language

Chair: Anna Merikallio


Wanström, Sofia: Telling a Little, Telling a Lot. Genre and Tellability Testimonies of Rape

Chair: Jarmo Harri Jantunen


Hekanaho, Laura; Hiltunen, Turo & Palander-Collin, Minna


Exploring the identify as Construction in The Reddit LGBTQ+ Corpus

Chair: Sanni Surkka


Pratchett, Lee J.:

The Tongue Pop and the Construction of a Global Queer Persona


Ali, Farah:

Gender Inclusivity in Catalonia and Valencia: Administrative Discourse as a Site of Language Reform

Määttä, Simo K. & Vernet, Samuel: Saving the Heteronormative Order: Straight Talk about Same-sex Rape

Manning, Theodore:

The MapLemon Corpus: A Citrusy Approach to Demographic Identification

Cuba, Ernesto:

Is there a Queer Language in Peru? Reflections on Empirical Data and Metadiscursive Representations of the Lexicon of Peruvian Gay Men and Transgender Women.


Farhadytooli, Morteza and Golgiri, Rahil:

The Agency of “Zan Zendegi Azadi”: Discursive Practice of Feminism in Iran

Salas, Araceli and Castineira, Teresa:

The Story of my Grandparents, is it a Love Story?

Ryan, Mark:

A Multi-Modal Discourse Analysis of Targeted LGBTQI+ Media: the Construction of LGBTQI+ Identity and 'Progress' by GCN Magazine

Kuusik, Aet: The Use and Attitude Towards the Word kväär in Estonian Language: An Analysis


Lunch break


Chair: Laura Hekanaho


Odland, Toby:

The Language of Inclusion





Chair: Simo Määttä


Merikallio, Anna:

The Reception of Feminist Science Fiction in Finland

Chair: Ernesto Cuba


Uclés, Gloria, Posio, Pekka & Kachel, Sven: Gender and Amount of Talk in Spanish Conflictive Interactions




Safina, Elena Sofia:

“Institutions First!”. Needs and Attitudes Towards Italian Gender Neutralization Strategies in a Sociolinguistic Questionnaire

Kambe, Naoki: Queering English-Japanese Translation: Lessons Learned from Feminized Billie Eilish

Pontrandolfo, Gianluca: Gendering Discursive Polarization in the Spanish Sociopolitical Arena:

Insights from the DiscMasc Project



Robaey, Laura; Decock, Sofie & Vranjes, Jelena:

Gender-Sensitive Language in Interpreter Training: a Pilot Study

Cheng, Xiaoyi: The Role of Translation in Negotiating Digital Feminism in China


Willson, Kendra: Variation in Gender and Number Agreement in Icelandic



Coffee break


Pienen juhlasalin edessä / next to Small hall


Workshop 2: Frazer Heritage

Corpus approaches to language and sexuality: tackling methodological challenges


Pieni juhlasali – Small hall


Conference dinner (for registered participants only)

Lauantai, 14.10.2023

Extra program / Oheisohjelma

Saturday / Lauantai 


Guided tour of the Tom of Finland exhibition at Kiasma Musem of Contemporary Art (for registered participants only; please arrive early and purchase your entrance ticket at the musem) /  Opastettu vierailu Kiasman Tom of Finland -näyttelyyn (vain ilmoittautuneille; tulkaa ajoissa paikalle ja ostakaa museon pääsylippu omatoimisesti)



Tom of Finland, Rohkea matka -näyttelyn opastettu kierros

Vain etukäteen ilmoittautuneille.

Näyttely tuo maailman tunnetuimpiin suomalaistaiteilijoihin kuuluvan Tom of Finlandin teokset ja elämäntarinan Kiasmaan.

Paikka: Nykytaiteen museo Kiasma, Helsinki 

Aika: lauantai 14.10.2023 klo 10:00 (suositeltavaa olla ajoissa paikalla)