Instructions for veterinarians referring patients to the Small Animal Hospital

We admit patients referred from anywhere in Finland and provide veterinarians with consultation in internal medicine and surgery. Patients can also be referred to the Small Animal Hospital for diagnostic imaging examinations.
Re­ferred pa­tients in need of acute treat­ment

In acute cases, veterinarians referring patients to the Small Animal Hospital are requested to call 02941 57666

A veterinarian on call will answer the call. The on-call line is open around the clock. After a recorded message, calls are forwarded. In acute cases, referral details should also be submitted by email to

Non-ur­gent re­ferred pa­tients

If you are sending, for example, X-rays as attachments, they must be submitted in a separate email to

We will contact the client and book an appointment for the patient.

If you are sending, for example, X-rays as attachments, they must be submitted in a separate email to

We will contact the client and book an appointment for the patient.

Patients can also be referred to the Small Animal Hospital for diagnostic imaging examinations.

Consultation for internal medicine

If you are looking for consultation in internal medicine, please call the consultation number of the Small Animal Hospital: 050 310 2634. Should your call not be answered immediately, leave a voice message describing your case. We will contact you as soon as possible

Consultation for surgery

If you are looking for surgical consultation, please call the consultation number of the Small Animal Hospital: 050 310 2635. Should your call not be answered immediately, leave a voice message describing your case. We will contact you as soon as possible.

In acute patient cases, please call 02941 57666. 


Re­fer­ral feed­back

Within a week of the end of treatment, the veterinarian in charge of the patient at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital will submit feedback to the referring veterinarian by email in the form of a treatment summary.