Lower level of comprehensive school

The Helsinki Normal Lyceum, more commonly known as Norssi, is a teacher training school that operates under the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Helsinki and comprises comprehensive school grades 1–5 and 7–9 and a general upper secondary school. In the school year 2023–2024, our school offers primary school education in grades 1–5, expanding to grades 1–6 over the next years.

Norssi hosts approximately 400 comprehensive school pupils. We admit comprehensive school pupils mainly from the school’s local catchment area in Southern Helsinki, with the exception of the Latin class, to which admission is based on an aptitude test.

Norssi’s long history as a classical school is manifested in the fact that we are one of the few Finnish schools that offer Latin studies from the 7th grade onward. Our school also has a Latin motto: “Non scholae sed vitae”, meaning that we do not learn for school, but for life.

The assistant principal in charge of the administrative matters of the primary school at the Helsinki Normal Lyceum is Olli Hyvönen. The principal for basic education at the Helsinki Normal Lyceum is Juha-Pekka Husso and the vice-principal for basic education at the Helsinki Normal Lyceum is Päivi Okkonen.

The primary school teachers are Päivi Okkonen (1st grade), Tuuli Lipiäinen (2nd grade) Anna-Liisa Rannikko (3rd grade), Anna Damskägg (4th grade) and Roope Salonen (5th grade).

Student body organisation activities allow Norssi’s pupils to impact their school community.

Through collaboration between school and home, the organisation of education and teaching is supported in a way that ensures the provision of instruction, guidance and support to each pupil in accordance with their developmental stage and needs. Such collaboration promotes pupils’ healthy growth and development. The participation of guardians and the opportunity for them to contribute to schoolwork and its development constitute a central part of the school’s operating culture. Educational collaboration between the school and the home enhances the wellbeing and safety of pupils, classes and the entire school community.

In school–home interaction, the Wilma system is used on a daily basis.

Parents of the pupils of the Helsinki Normal Lyceum operate an active parents’ association, with which the school collaborates. Further details on the activities of the parents’ association are available on its website: Parents’ association.

Documents and forms


Files are in pdf format unless stated otherwise.

Basic education curriculum (In Finnish): POPS 2016

Upper secondary education curricula (In Finnish): LOPS 2021



Strategy of Helsinki Normal Lyceum 2020 - 2025 (in Finnish): Helsingin normaalilyseon strategia 2020 - 2025

Equality plan (In Finnish): Tasa-arvo- ja_yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelma 2022 - 2024

Description of language proficiency levels for basic education (In Finnish): Perusopetuksen kielitaidon tasojen kuvausasteikko

Student welfare plan (In Finnish): Opiskeluhuoltosuunnitelma

Student welfare register privacy policy (in Finnish): Opiskeluhuollon kertomusrekisterin rekisteriseloste

Rules and regulations (In Finnish): Norssin järjestyssäännöt (pdf)

Lower comprehensive school pupil registration form (In Finnish):  lomake (pdf)

Upper comprehensive school pupil registration form (In Finnish):  lomake (pdf)

Application for guided morning activities (In Finnish): hakemus (docx)