Pupil admissions for primary school

In the school year 2024-2025, primary education year classes 1-6 will be operating in the elementary school of Helsinki Normal Lyceum. Studying in basic education takes place according to the national core curriculum drawn up in 2014.
Admissions for grade 1 for academic year 2024–2025

Basic education pupils are admitted based on their school admission area from southern Helsinki, except for the Latin class for which pupils are admitted based on a separate aptitude test. School admission areas are displayed in Helsinki's map services: Palvelukartta (in Finnish).

Admission for grade 1

Compulsory education starts in autumn term 2024 for children born in 2017.

Helsinki Normal Lyceum admits approximately 20 pupils for the 1st grade primarily from the school’s school admission area.

Wel­come to school guide for homes

City of Helsinki sent a welcome to school guide for autumn's 1st graders on October or November 2023.

Compulsory education letters

The compulsory education letter will be sent to the child's home address starting January 3rd 2024.

Re­gis­ter­ing for school

In the 2024–2025 academic year, first-graders, first-graders enroll in school from January 8–28, 2024.

Electronic school registration at asti.hel.fi . At Asti, you can register for both the neighborhood school and other options, such as for example, focused and bilingual education, as well as other than the neighborhood school.

School registration can also be done at your local school on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The school also registers primarily electronically through the Asti transaction service. You can get help with registration at the school. Bring to school the compulsory education notice and the means of identification needed for identification (e.g. bank IDs). If you have already registered your child at school in Asti, you do not need to attend the school.


More information about registration on the City of Helsinki website: Registration (in Finnish).

An information session for the guardians of 1st grade students coming from Helsinki Normal Lyceum for the academic year 2024-2025 will be held on November 30th 2023 at 18:00 in the school auditorium (A107).


Language programme/grades 1–6

A1 language: Helsinki Normal Lyceum offers English as an A1 language to all students from the 1st grade onwards.

Optional A2 language at the Helsinki Normal Lyceum: French can also be studied as an A2 language starting in 3rd grade.

Admission for other basic education grades

We will accept pupils only from our school admission area for grades 2–6.


For more information and inqueries, please contact assistant principal Olli Hyvönen, tel. 050-4160677, olli.hyvonen@helsinki.fi