Education & Studies


Studies at the Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) focus on sustainable use and management of forests and natural resources in tropical and sub-tropical areas and in developing countries.

Education and training cover dry and humid tropics, natural and plantation forests, agroforestry systems, and management of forested tropical landscapes. Issues are dealt from ecological, economic and social point of view.

Courses and training are provided in English. Some of the courses are offered in the tropics, in collaboration with VITRI’s local partner institutions. In most cases, the thesis research is also undertaken in a tropical and/or developing country.

Studies and VITRI can be conducted in various forms, including regular BSc, MSc, and doctoral degree programs, International MSc Programs of the Department of Forest Sciences, minor (25 ECT) in tropical silviculture, and through Summer School and special training courses.


VITRI courses, instructions, information

List of completed doctoral dissertations

List of completed MSc theses

For more information about studies, please see “Links” below.

Education and training projects

VITRI carries out education programs and projects with our national and international partners to strengthen capacities of institutions in recipient countries.

Ongoing and Completed Education and Training Projects


Studying at the Department of Forest Sciences

International Master’s Degree Programs at the Department of Forest Sciences

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Faculty of Agriculture ad Forestry – General information on international studies

Helsinki Summer School

Helsinki Summer School – Managing sustainable forest landscapes