Materials for Accelerator Technology

The frontiers of high-energy particle physics require new and more powerful accelerators which produce electron or proton beams with increasingly high energy and intensity.

This unavoidably leads to ever increasing demands on the materials used for the accelerating structures. In future accelerator concepts such as CLIC, the accelerating components themselves are subject to damage due to instabilities in the intense radiofrequency fields used to accelerate the beam. Already in LHC, the enormous amounts of particles produced in the particle reactions will cause great radiation damage to the very same solid state detectors which are used to detect them.

This HIP theory programme activity during 2008-2013 utilizes the wide existing knowhow of Prof. Flyura Djurabekova and Prof. Kai Nordlund in the fields of radiation effects in metals and semiconductors to examine the radiation damage in present and future particle accelerators.

We examine the fundamental mechanisms by which the damage in the accelerator components form, with the aim to use the increased understanding to design materials and components, which withstand the damage optimally well.

We also study the properties of nanocrystals embedded in solids with respect to their mechanical, optical and thermodynamic properties.

Prof. Flyura Djurabekova

Prof. Kai Nordlund