The first side event discussed results of Nordic top level research showing that boreal ecosystems bind carbon, in the ground and in the trees. In addition, the trees emit hydrocarbons that will lead to particle formation. This is part of the important feedbacks that make boreal forests at high latitudes as important as the rain forests in a climate perspective. The reindeer maintain the albedo by eating and trampling vegetation. More vegetation will make the Tundra darker, as brush and trees protrude out of the snow, reducing the albedo. The event was organized by Nordforsk and the Nordic Centers of Excellence CRAICC, DEFROSDT and TUNDRA.
The second side event was named Trust but verify - towards a comprehensive Global Observation, Information and Verification System. The event discussed the strong need for a comprehensive, integrated and well-organized scientific observation system for carbon and greenhouse gases as well as air quality in order to support mitigation and adaptation. The event was organized by University of Helsinki, ICOS ERIC, Lund University and University of Bergen.