bachelor's programmes bachelor's (in finnish) and master's programmes in Forest sciences (in finnish and english) and the master's program in Atmospheric sciences (in english). Members of our group also participate actively in the teaching activities of the Department of Forest Sciences, and a number of courses given by the two departments benefit any student interested in our topics.
The details and course registration are in the WebOodi study system (search by course code or name). The language used in the course name indicates the teaching language.
MET211 Forest soil and root ecology, 5 op
The physico-chemical environment of organic and mineral soil as a habitat. Soil food web, including living, dead and decomposing belowground vegetation and aboveground litter, soil fauna and microbes and their interactions. Organism groups, their abundancies, functional role and habitat requirements. Dynamics of tree and understorey roots and rhizomes and their mycorrhizas, including research methods.
prof. Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari
MET217 Mitigation of climate change in forestry, 5 op
The course clarifies how different management practices impact atmosphere and climate and other ecosystems. Economic analysis and management tools for climate change mitigation in forestry are given. Special attention is given to the evaluation of carbon sequestration projects. The course is mostly based on problem based learning and based on group discussions of scientific articles and project descriptions of sequestration projects. There are calculations associated to the course. Presence in the course required but absences are dealt with in a flexible way.
Frank Berninger
MET223 Suomalaiset puulajit ja niiden kasvatukselliset ominaisuudet, 5 op
(Finnish tree species), prof. Jaana Bäck and Teemu Hölttä
ME106 Puiden aineenvaihdunta, kasvu ja rakenne, 4 op
(Tree metabolism, growth and structure), Teemu Hölttä
ME150 (830144) Metsäpuiden ekofysiologian jatkokurssi, 6 op
(Advanced course on forest tree ecophysiology), prof. Jaana Bäck
MET214 Forest ecosystem hydrology and water balance, 5 op
The course deals with how precipitation interacts with forests and soils. The components of the water balance are systematically covered from the theoretical, measurement and modeling points of view. Solar radiation as the driver for evapotranspiration, the effects of tree species and stand structure, soil physical and hydraulic properties and the hydrology of peatlands are also covered. The last part of the course deals with applied aspects of forest hydrology: the impacts of forest management, land-use change, and climate change on the water balance.
Michael Starr
MET224 Simulation of Forest Growth with Ecological Models, 5 op
The course gives an introduction to the history, development and current state of forest stand growth models based on production ecology. The students learn about the key theories underlying the models and about methods to quantify such theories. Implications of different hypotheses are analysed and the applicability of the models to forest management planning is assessed. The course includes problem solving and practicals.
prof. Annikki Mäkelä-Carter
MET234 Adaptation of forestry to climate change, 5 op
The course studies how climate is predicted to change in different parts of world, how the change will influence forest productivity and disturbance factors, how forestry needs to adapt to changes, how socio-economic and cultural environment will influence the adaptation potential and what are the associated economical risks/benefits.
ME270 Forest soil sampling and laboratory analysis, 5 op
The course involves lectures, field work, laboratory work, computation work, and the preparation of tables, figures and a written report. After the course the student will know how to sample forest soils, how to determine various soil physical and chemical properties, how to calculate and convert primary laboratory analysis results into soil property values, the importance of data quality checking, how to convert between units, and how to make good tables and figures of the results.
Michael Starr
ME110 Metsämeteorologia, 3 op
(Forest meteorology) Frank Berninger
MET210 Biogeochemical Cycles and Forest Management Interactions, 5 op
Biogeochemical processes (e.g. deposition, weathering, N fixation, uptake, transport, retranslocation, litterfall, decomposition, leaching of elements), hydrological cycles. Emphasis is on carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and mineral nutrients (Ca, Mg, K, P) but micronutrients will also be covered. Research data will be used to calculate, present and evaluate element budgets for boreal forest ecosystems in different environments and under different management.
prof. Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari
MET216 Forests and peatlands as modifiers of atmospheric composition, 4 op
The course covers production and emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds, their functional roles in biotic and abiotic stresses, and the exchange of other trace gases in forest and peatland ecosystems. Emphasis will be given to the related ecophysiological processes and consequences of the exchange of volatile organic compounds and trace gases between vegetation and atmosphere.
prof. Jaana Bäck
MET220 Forest Production, Growth and Yield, 5 op
The student will be familiar with the focal concepts and methods of growth and yield study, how growth and yield relate to biogeochemical processes and tree and stand structure, and how measurements and models can be used to assess productivity. Contents: Concept of growth, yield and productivity in terms of GPP, NPP, stemwood volume and yield assortments. Dependence of growth and productivity on the environment (climate, site), stand structure, age and species; interactions with carbon, nitrogen and water fluxes. Global variability of productivity and temporal variability of growth. Models and prediction of growth, yield and productivity. The approach of the course is to review theories and concepts related to different aspects of productivity and how they may be challenged under environmental change. The course is based on a mixture of lectures, practicals, independent work and discussions.
prof. Annikki Mäkelä-Carter
MET250 Field course in Biogeochemistry and Production Ecology
The student will be introduced to different experimental and measurement methods to determine the size and dynamics of the material stocks and flows in boreal forests, with special emphasis on gas exchange measurements. The student will gain an understanding of the sizes of these stocks and flows and factors that control them in different forest site types, and how they relate to forest growth.
A two-week intensive summer course in Hyytiälä, prof. Annikki Mäkelä-Carter
MET235A Methods for Analysis of Forest-Atmosphere Interactions
The course involves 1-2 short lectures per day, but the main emphasis is on intensive group work and writing a scientific report on the group work after the course. In the course the students will utilize 20 year ecological, atmospheric and meteorological data from the SMEAR II station to learn some basic data treatment and data analysis methods. The main tool is MATLAB, but no prior knowledge is required.
A two week intensive autumn course in Hyytiälä, prof. Jaana Bäck (Dept. of Forest Sciences) and prof. Markku Kulmala (Dept. of Physics)
MET235B Forest-Atmosphere Processes and Advanced Data Analysis
The course involves 1-2 short lectures per day, but the main emphasis is on intensive group work and writing a scientific report on the group work after the course. In the course the students will utilize 20 year ecological, atmospheric and meteorological data from the SMEAR II station to deepen their skills in data treatment and data analysis methods. The main tool is MATLAB.
A two week intensive spring course in Hyytiälä, prof. Jaana Bäck (Dept. of Forest Sciences) and prof. Markku Kulmala (Dept. of Physics
The details and course registration are in the WebOodi study system (search by course code or name). The language used in the course name indicates the teaching language.
MET235A Methods for Analysis of Forest-Atmosphere Interactions
The course involves 1-2 short lectures per day, but the main emphasis is on intensive group work and writing a scientific report on the group work after the course. In the course the students will utilize 20 year ecological, atmospheric and meteorological data from the SMEAR II station to learn some basic data treatment and data analysis methods. The main tool is MATLAB, but no prior knowledge is required.
A two week intensive course in Hyytiälä, prof. Jaana Bäck (Dept. of Forest Sciences) and prof. Markku Kulmala (Dept. of Physics)
MET235B Forest-Atmosphere Processes and Advanced Data Analysis
The course involves 1-2 short lectures per day, but the main emphasis is on intensive group work and writing a scientific report on the group work after the course. In the course the students will utilize 20 year ecological, atmospheric and meteorological data from the SMEAR II station to deepen their skills in data treatment and data analysis methods. The main tool is MATLAB.
A two week intensive course in Hyytiälä, prof. Jaana Bäck (Dept. of Forest Sciences) and prof. Markku Kulmala (Dept. of Physics)
530189 Kenttämittausten tilastollinen analyysi, 5 op
'Statistical analysis of field measurements'.
Introducing MATLAB computing environment and basic data treatment tools available in MATLAB for analyzing atmospheric measurement data. Inputting datasets to Matlab, analysing them and producing outputs (e.g. graphs). Introduction+MATLAB basics; Plotting and graphics, functions, basics of matrices; Basics of statistics: terms and their definitions; regression and fitting; Basics of time-series analysis, clustering.
530379, 5 op
The course familiarizes the student to the issue of climate change. In addition to providing the basic scientific knowledge base, the course reinforces the student's understanding of climate change as a deep human and societal challenge and provides means to participate in resolving it. Having completed the course, the student is able to consider climate change from many different perspectives, create connections between them, as well as look for solutions to the issue. The student is able to reflect on his or her own role in climate change and apply what has been learned on the course to his or her field of study. The student can critically examine different perspectives, solutions, information sources and the current debate on climate change.
Jaana Bäck, Sirkku Juhola, Laura Riuttanen
530322 Introduction to modern atmospheric science I, 5 op
The course introduces modern research in atmospheric science with focus on air quality and a view on the current situation in rapidly developing China. The course covers air pollution from sources, transport and transformation, monitoring and remote sensing, modeling emissions, to impacts on human health and ecosystem and ends with societal aspect of air quality, urbanization, societal impacts and policy making. Main emphasis is placed on the 4 lines of study within the MSc Degree Programme in Atmospheric Science (ATM-MP): aerosol science, biogeochemical cycles, dynamic meteorology and atmospheric remote sensing. The course is to be taken together with the Introduction to Modern Atmospheric Science II (530323) to be held during the second period.
530323 Introduction to modern atmospheric science II, 5 op
As per name, the course aims to introduce the main areas of modern research in atmospheric science. Main emphasis is placed on the 4 lines of study within the MSc Degree Programme in Atmospheric Science (ATM-MP): aerosol science, biogeochemical cycles, dynamic meteorology and atmospheric remote sensing. The course is to be taken together with the Introduction to Modern Atmospheric Science I (530322) to be held during the first period.
Antti Lauri
53611 Ilmakehän kemian perusteet, 5 op
'Fundamentals of atmospheric chemistry'
Theo Kurten
53350 Ilmakehämallinnus I, 5 op
'Atmospheric modeling I'.
We will get both theoretical and hands-on understanding on how atmospheric models work, with lectures on theory, and practical work by programming a 1-dimensional boundary layer column model (in part I) with chemical reactions and transport and aerosol processes (in part II). Part I: Introduction to programming in Fortran, basic boundary layer meteorology and relevant equations, numerical implementation of a 1-dimension boundary layer column model.
Michael Boy, Pontus Roldin, Putian Zhou
53352 Ilmakehämallinnus II, 5 op
'Atmospheric modeling II'
We will get both theoretical and hands-on understanding on how atmospheric models work, with lectures on theory, and practical work by programming a 1-dimensional boundary layer column model (in part I) with chemical reactions and transport and aerosol processes (in part II). Part II: Chemical reactions and basic atmospheric chemistry numerical solutions for stiff systems of differential equations as needed for chemistry, basic aerosol physics, implementing chemistry and aerosols into the boundary layer model
Michael Boy, Pontus Roldin, Putian Zhou
530080 Ilmakehän aerosolien mittaus: aerosolifysiikka, näytteenotto- ja mittausmenetelmät, 4 op
'Measuring atmospheric aerosols'
The aim of the course is to give hands-on experience about the novel experimental techniques in atmospheric aerosol research. The course will cover the following aspects: Basic definitions, mechanical properties, electrical properties, filters and impactors, size spectrometers, particle counters, nephelometer
530181 Ilmakehän aerosolien muodostuminen ja kasvu, 5 op
'The formation and growth of atmospheric aerosols'
In the aerosol formation point of view, the formation of new particles and their subsequent growth seem to occur almost everywhere in the world. These new particles can, depending on the location, increase the concentration of cloud condensation nuclei by a factor more than two over the course of one day. According to very recent scientific results up to 30% of the atmosphere's aerosol particles are formed by gas-to-particle conversion. Furthermore, according to the recently published report of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) the effect of clouds and aerosol particles is the most poorly understood factor in the global climate change. It can therefore be concluded that atmospheric new particle production is an important process that must be understood and include when developing global climate models. The aim of this course is to give an extensive picture of the current knowledge about atmospheric particle formation, its impacts on the Earth's climate, and the theories applicable for model studies
530258 Advanced analysis of atmospheric processes and feedbacks and biosphere-atmosphere interactions, 5 op
53341 Ilmastojärjestelmän biogeokemialliset kierrot, 5 op
'Biogeochemistry in earth system'
56239 Introduction to biosphere-atmosphere gas exchange and its measurements, 5 op
530264 Massaspektrometria ilmakehätieteissä ja ympäristöanalytiikassa, 3-5 op
'Mass spectrometry in atmospheric sciences and environmental analysis'
The aim of the course is to teach principles of the latest mass spectrometric techniques, especially techniques that are used or developed for atmospheric sciences and environmental analysis. The emphasis is in atmospheric pressure ionisation techniques. Chemical ionization is an important topic. Different desorption/ionisation methods and miniaturisation of mass spectrometric methods are also included to the course topics. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and its applications is also a topic. Development of mass spectrometric instrumentation for measurements needed in atmospheric sciences is presented including their recent application.
Tapio Kotiaho, Tuukka Petäjä
530312 Kasvihuonekaasujen tutkimuskysymyksiä maa- ja vesiympäristöissä, 5 op
'Greenhouse gas -related research in dry and wet environments'
Kokonaisvaltainen ymmärrys tutkimusprosessista ja monitieteisyyden hyödyntämisestä ryhmätyössä, joka käsittelee kasvihuonekaasujen päästöjä ja nieluja maa- ja vesiympäristöissä. Oman alan osaamisen vahvistaminen, muiden tieteenalojen taitojen hyödyntäminen ja monitieteinen ongelmanratkaisu tutkimusryhmässä / A holistic understanding of a research process in solving research questions in the field of greenhouse gases in land and water environments. Through a multidisciplinary group work, the students will deepen their understanding of greenhouse gas exchange in land and water environments. They will learn about scientific problem solving, and how their expertise is an asset for the whole group.
Elisa Halmeenmäki, Jouni Heiskanen, Mari Pihlatie
53102 Scientific Outreach and International Partnership, 5 op
The aims of the course are: 1) to widen the student's scope in own research project and realize the connections to the broader framework; 2) to improve the communication of own core substance to different audiences; 3) to understand the connection between research, research policy, and politics; and 4) to realize the grand challenges in Europe, and the connection between academic research and solving the challenges
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