International migration has reached record highs in recent years. Movement of people from their familiar community to a foreign place and culture creates challenges for both migrants and host communities. The need to alleviate possible tensions and support migrants to realize their potentials puts the operationalization of current integration policies under pressure and urges researchers to strive for a better understanding of intergroup relations.
Integration is widely studied from various angles such as civic and political participation, education and labour market outcomes. Scientists concerned with the spatial aspects of integration have mainly focused on residential segregation and neighbourhood effects. Yet, meaningful social encounters and interactions take place in the extent of individuals’ entire activity spaces – places they visit for work, education, shopping, services, socialising and leisure. However, not much is known about those activities and interactions due to the lack of suitable data and methods. This PhD project argues that user-generated digital data derived from mobile phones and social media platforms have the potential to narrow this gap by providing a more nuanced understanding of individuals’ complex social interactions in space and time, and therefore, open new avenues for integration research.
This PhD project aims to seek how novel Big Data sources can be applied to obtain more comprehensive understanding about socio-spatial interactions of individuals across their activity spaces, and consequently provide new insights for integration research and practice.
Particularly, the project provides:
Kerli Müürisepp (Doctoral Researcher)
Olle Järv (Supervisor, Academy Research Fellow)
Tuuli Toivonen (Supervisor, Professor of Geoinformatics)
Tiit Tammaru (Supervisor, Professor of Urban and Population Geography)
Müürisepp, K., Järv, O., Sjöblom, F., Toger, M., & Östh, J. (2023). Segregation and the pandemic: The dynamics of daytime social diversity during COVID-19 in Greater Stockholm. Applied Geography.
Müürisepp, K., Järv, O., Tammaru, T., & Toivonen, T. (2022). Activity Spaces and Big Data Sources in Segregation Research: A Methodological Review. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities.
Järv, O., Tominga, A., Müürisepp, K., & Silm, S. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on daily lives of transnational people based on smartphone data: Estonians in Finland. Journal of Location Based Services.
Müürisepp, K., & Ramos Lobato, I. (2021). Social inequalities and spatial segregation. Sustainability Course [MOOC]. Chapter in Thematic Module F: Urban and peri-urban development.
Järv, O., & Müürisepp, K. (2021). Virolaiset Suomessa – ylirajaisuus, monipaikkaisuus ja koronakriisi. Elo. Suomalais-virolainen kulttuurilehti, 2021(2), 12-15. (Translated title of the contribution: Estonians in Finland – transnationalism, multi-local living and corona crisis).
Järv, O., & Müürisepp, K. (2020). Sotsiaalmeedia andmete sotsiaal-ruumiline analüüs. In A. Masso, K. Tiidenberg, & A. Siibak (Eds.), Kuidas mõista andmestunud maailma? Metodoloogiline teejuht (pp. 597-621). (Gigantum Humeris). TLÜ Kirjastus, Tallinn University Press. (Translated title of the contribution: Socio-spatial analysis of social media data).
The project has received funding from: