
Information about datasets produced and used by the Digital Geography Lab.
Open datasets by DGL

250 x 250m grid data with travel times and distances for car, public transport, cycling and walking

250 x 250m grid data with travel times and distances for car, public transport, cycling (only from 2018) and walking

Point and road segment data with Green View Index calculated based on 2009-2017 Google Street View Images and 2018 Land cover data

250 x 250m grid level population distribution data for each hour based on mobile phone data

Social media databases and other data collected by DGL

Over the years, the Digital Geography Lab (DGL) has collected data from a variety of open data sources, that now reside in the group’s common database. These data collection efforts have been carried out by different members of the DGL and different contributors, at different points in time, and with different focus and coverage. This is especially true for data from social media, data from other online platforms, and volunteered geographic information.

ALL GEOTAGGED TWEETS from Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Luxembourg, Denmark, Lithuania and Norway (collected daily) 04/2021-

ALL GEOTAGGED TWEETS from the Nordic countries including Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia and Norway (and Luxembourg) 03/2017-02/2020

DOLLY: Bounding box covering Finland & Estonia

PREMIUM API: Daily collection of tweets from Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, NPs in South Africa 08/2020-05/2021

HISTORIES: Luxembourg, Finland, Estonia 2006-2019

DATA ON ENDANGERED SPECIES: Rhinoceros data 03/2006- Elephant data 03/2006- Pangolin data 03/2006- Broadboom data 03/2006-


For more information contact DGL.



For more information contact DGL.

ALL GEOREFERENCED FLICKR PHOTOS (collection started before new limits came into power in 01/2019)


For more information contact DGL.

Other datasets used by DGL

TELIA PRESENCE DATA FROM FINLAND (Municipality level data with daily population counts from the weeks before and after the first weeks of COVID-19 outbreak in Finland). See example study where data is used: Phone Data to Trace Mobility in Finland

TELIA OD DATA FROM FINLAND (Municipality level data with daily mobility counts between Finnish municipalities from the weeks before and after the first weeks of COVID-19 outbreak in Finland). See example study where data is used: Escaping from Cities during the COVID-19 Crisis: Using Mobile Phone Data to Trace Mobility in Finland

TELIA OD DATA FROM FINLAND (Municipality level data with hourly mobility counts between Finnish municipalities)

TELIA OD DATA FROM FINLAND (Postal area to 500x500 grid data with hourly mobility counts between areas)

TELIA OD DATA FROM FINLAND (Postal area to postal area data with hourly mobility counts between areas)

TELIA OD DATA FROM THE HELSINKI REGION (500 x 500 grid with hourly mobility counts between grid cells)

ELISA PRESENCE DATA FROM FROM THE UUSIMAA REGION (postal area level data with daily population counts between areas from the weeks before and after the first weeks of COVID-19 outbreak in Finland) See example study where data is used: Escaping from Cities during the COVID-19 Crisis: Using Mobile Phone Data to Trace Mobility in Finland

HSL TRAVEL DIARY DATA OD (survey data with travel and sociodemograhic information for every trip) Liikkumistutkimus | Tutkimukset | HSL |

HSL BIKE-SHARING SYSTEM TRIP DATA FROM HELSINKI AND ESPOO (OD data containing all BSS trips of a given year) City bike stations’ Origin-Destination (OD) data - Helsinki Region Infoshare (

STRAVA SPORTS APPLICATION DATA FROM UUSIMAA (road segment data with Strava cyclists counts at minute interval for each segment. Aggregated rollups available for various time periods e.g. morning, afternoon, evening, weekly, monthly) 

TRANSPORT NETWORK FOR THE HELSINKI REGION (Routable networks with segment adjusted travel times for cycling and car)


SURVEY DATA ON THE MOBILITY OF LIBRARY VISITORS IN THE HELSINKI REGION Facility allocation strategies and the sustainability of service delivery: Modelling library patronage patterns and their related CO2-emissions

SYKE'S YKR DATA FROM FINLAND (250 x 250 data on population, buildings, workplaces, worktrips, land use, second-homes, retail locations etc) YKR-aineisto | Tilastokeskus (

SEUTU CD REGISTRY DATA THE HELSINKI REGION (250X 250m grid level population information) SeutuData - HSY

STATISTICS FINLAND INDIVIDUAL-LEVEL DATA (Socio-demographic individual data with home and work locations, languages, income etc) access until 12/2023 


FMI AIR QUALITY DATA FROM HELSINKI (Annual, Monthly,Seasonal, Weekday, Weekend average datasets) Information fusion service - Finnish Meteorological Institute (

SYKE NOISE MODELLING DATA FROM HELSINKI (Annual data attached to road segments) Downloadable spatial datasets -

360° GOOGLE STREET VIEW IMAGES FROM HELSINKI (covering all the city regions) The green view dataset for the capital of Finland, Helsinki