The research group CoCoLaC (subprogram Vocabulary) organizes a seminar in Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40), lecture hall 12, on Friday 20th May 2016 with the title:
Semi-Lexical Categories
8.55-9.00 OPENING
9.00-9.50 Lene Schøsler (Københavns Universitet): A diachronic perspective on support verb constructions in French
9.50-10.40 Antonio Fábregas (Universitetet i Tromsø): On light verbs, light nouns and why there are no light adjectives
10.40-11.00 COFFEE BREAK
11.00-11.50 Nicole Delbecque (KU Leuven): Constructions at the intersection of lexicalization and grammaticalization. Some convergences and divergences between Spanish and French
11.50-12.20 Ciro Imperato (Helsingin yliopisto): A cognitive linguistic-based contrastive analysis of the Italian verb prendere and the Finnish verb ottaa
12.20-12.50 Sari Mäittälä-Kauppila (Helsingin yliopisto): On translating the English negative prefix of non- and its pejorative overtone into Finnish
12.50-14.20 LUNCH
14.20-15.10 Ángeles Carrasco Gutiérrez (Universidad de Castilla la Mancha): Progressive states?
15.10-15.40 Jukka Havu (Tampereen yliopisto): Estar + participle in (Ibero-)Romance languages
15.40-16.00 COFFEE BREAK
16.00-16.30 Alexandre Nikolaev, Marja Nenonen, Juha Mulli and Esa Penttilä (Itä-Suomen yliopisto): How light can a light verb be? The constructional nature of verb ‘take’ in four languages
16.30-16.35 CLOSURE
Everyone interested in these topics is welcome to join the seminar. In order to sign up, please fill out the e-form by Thursday 12th May.
The seminar is organized by Begoña Sanromán and Jukka Havu. Further information: begona.sanroman [at] and tuuli.holttinen [at]
Deadline for sign-up: 12 May 2016
Date of the seminar: 20 May 2016
Place of the seminar: lecture room 12, Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40)