Politeness across Languages and Cultures 9.9.2016

CoCoLaC seminar at Siltavuorenpenger

Politeness across Languages and Cultures


Seminar organized by research community CoCoLaC

(Comparing and Contrasting Languages and Cultures)

Athena, room 302 (Siltavuorenpenger 3 A, 3rd floor)

University of Helsinki

9:00‒9:10 OPENING

9:10–10:00 Eva Ogiermann (King’s College London): Politeness, indirectness and grammatical forms

10:00–10:50 Chantal Claudel (Paris 8 University): Politeness as personal choice or social obligation. A framework to compare French and Japanese personal emails

10:50–11:15 COFFEE BREAK

11:15–11:45 Johanna Isosävi (University of Helsinki): Politeness in Finland in the eyes of the French

11:45–12:15 Camilla Wide, Hanna Lappalainen, Anu Rouhikoski, Catrin Norrby, Jan Lindström & Jenny Nilsson (University of Turku, University of Helsinki, Stockholm University, Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore): Patterns of address in medical consultations from Sweden and Finland

12:15–12:45 Pontus Andersson (University of Helsinki): Linguistic politeness, gender, and queerness in Tokyo Japanese: Observations on strategies of self- and other-presentation

12:45–14:15 LUNCH BREAK

14:15–15:05 Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): Revisiting gender and politeness

15:05–15:55 Véronique Traverso (Lumière University Lyon 2): Social services with non-native speakers: how participants smooth out a complex interaction

15:55–16:20 COFFEE BREAK

16:20–16:50 Aurélie Marsily (Université catholique de Louvain): Perception and production of politeness strategies in Spanish requests by French-speaking learners

16:50–17:20 Yasna Bravo Figueroa (University of Helsinki): Attenuation in the spoken Chilean Spanish

17:20‒17:30 CLOSING


Everyone interested in these topics is welcome to join the seminar, but as coffee will be served, we kindly ask you to register by filling out the e-form by Thursday 1st September. The seminar is organized by Tuuli Holttinen, Eva Havu, and Elizabeth Peterson. Enquiries can be sent to Tuuli (tuuli.holttinen [at] helsinki.fi).

Deadline for registration: 1 September 2016 (via e-form)

Date of the seminar: 9 September 2016

NB! Place of the seminar: Athena, room 302 (Siltavuorenpenger 3 A, 3rd floor)