Politeness across Languages and Cultures
Seminar organized by research community CoCoLaC
(Comparing and Contrasting Languages and Cultures)
Athena, room 302 (Siltavuorenpenger 3 A, 3rd floor)
University of Helsinki
9:00‒9:10 OPENING
9:10–10:00 Eva Ogiermann (King’s College London): Politeness, indirectness and grammatical forms
10:00–10:50 Chantal Claudel (Paris 8 University): Politeness as personal choice or social obligation. A framework to compare French and Japanese personal emails
10:50–11:15 COFFEE BREAK
11:15–11:45 Johanna Isosävi (University of Helsinki): Politeness in Finland in the eyes of the French
11:45–12:15 Camilla Wide, Hanna Lappalainen, Anu Rouhikoski, Catrin Norrby, Jan Lindström & Jenny Nilsson (University of Turku, University of Helsinki, Stockholm University, Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore): Patterns of address in medical consultations from Sweden and Finland
12:15–12:45 Pontus Andersson (University of Helsinki): Linguistic politeness, gender, and queerness in Tokyo Japanese: Observations on strategies of self- and other-presentation
12:45–14:15 LUNCH BREAK
14:15–15:05 Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): Revisiting gender and politeness
15:05–15:55 Véronique Traverso (Lumière University Lyon 2): Social services with non-native speakers: how participants smooth out a complex interaction
15:55–16:20 COFFEE BREAK
16:20–16:50 Aurélie Marsily (Université catholique de Louvain): Perception and production of politeness strategies in Spanish requests by French-speaking learners
16:50–17:20 Yasna Bravo Figueroa (University of Helsinki): Attenuation in the spoken Chilean Spanish
17:20‒17:30 CLOSING
Everyone interested in these topics is welcome to join the seminar, but as coffee will be served, we kindly ask you to register by filling out the e-form by Thursday 1st September. The seminar is organized by Tuuli Holttinen, Eva Havu, and Elizabeth Peterson. Enquiries can be sent to Tuuli (tuuli.holttinen [at] helsinki.fi).
Deadline for registration: 1 September 2016 (via e-form)
Date of the seminar: 9 September 2016
NB! Place of the seminar: Athena, room 302 (Siltavuorenpenger 3 A, 3rd floor)