Conference and Workshop “Mehrsprachigkeit und Deutsch in Finnland” – “Multilingualism and German in Finland“
April 21-23, 2016, at the University of Helsinki, Metsätalo
Organised by German Philology (Anta Kursisa & Ulrike Richter-Vapaatalo)
Conference website:
International conference, plenary speakers:
Prof. Britta Hufeisen (Darmstadt, Deutschland): Neues aus der Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung – Gesamtsprachencurriculum und PlurCur
Prof. Raphael Berthele (Fribourg, Schweiz): Lieferant, Störenfried, Partner: Empirische Zugänge zur Erforschung des Deutschen im mehrsprachigen Repertoire
Prof. Ulrike Jessner-Schmid (Innsbruck, Österreich): Metalinguistisches Bewusstsein und seine maßgebliche Rolle beim mehrsprachigen Lernen
Prof. em. Björn Hammarberg (Stockholm, Schweden): Mehrsprachigkeit und die Drittsprache
The event will bring together researchers in the field of German as a Foreign Language / didactics of multilingualism with Finnish teachers of German and other foreign languages. The conference aims at showing the status quo of research in and classroom practices of multilingual approaches to foreign language teaching in Finland and explores the possibilities for a wider use of multilingual learning. The workshop day will put ideas into practice and aims at creating networks of cooperation for the benefit of multilingual education in Finland.
Conference language: German. Workshop languages: German, Finnish, Swedish, English
The conference is free of charge and the presentations are open to everyone. Please register by filling out this e-form by 29th February. Welcome!