'Interfaces between syntax and pragmatics', October 18th, 2013

CoCoLaC seminar at Fabianinkatu 24 A


Interfaces between syntax and pragmatics

Friday October 18th, 2013

Fabianinkatu 24 A, seminar room 135


9.00 Opening

9.15-10.15 José María García-Miguel (Vigo): Typological alignment of grammatical objects in Spanish (abstract)

Coffee break

10.45-11.15 Hanna Lantto (Helsinki): The location of focus in monolingual Basque sentences vs. bilingual Basque-Spanish sentences (abstract)

11.15-11.45 Anton Granvik (Helsinki): A contrastive analysis of nominal complement clauses with de que in Spanish and Portuguese (abstract/slides)

11.45-12.45 Ulrike Freywald (Potsdam): Complementiser-introduced clauses with main clause word order in spoken German. Some thoughts on (in)subordination (abstract / slides)

Lunch break

14.00-15.00 Dominique Willems (Gand/Gent): Weak verbs revisited. A constructional corpus-based approach of weak verbs in modern French (abstract /slides)

15.00-15.30 Léa Huotari (Helsinki): Animacy and non-prototypical subjects: The challenges of a contrastive analysis of Finnish and French (abstract/handout)

15.30-16.00 Mai Frick (Tampere): Emergent bilingual word order in conversation (abstract)

16.00-16.30 Florian Siegl (Helsinki): Non-possessive use of PX.2P in Taimyrian Samoyedic and Dolgan – from possession marking to old topic marking (abstract)

16.30 Closing

The seminar is open for everybody, but please register for the coffee break by sending an email to riikka.ala-risku@helsinki.fi by Friday October 11th.