CoCoLaC-seminar 'Teaching applications of linguistic research and literary studies'

21 September 2018, organised by Begoña Sanroman.

The seminar takes place in Metsätalo, sali 10.



Opening words (Hartmut Lenk & Begoña Sanroman)

13:10-13:45 Jarna Piippo

What Languages, Which Practices – Foreign Languages through the Target Language?

Jordina Frago Cañellas

Cognitive Linguistics Applied to Teaching Spanish as a Second Language: A Practical Example with Finnish Students

14:20-14:55 Sabine Kraenker & Mélanie Buchart

How to Use your Research on Stereotypes to Make your Students Aware of their Own Representations?
14:55-15:25 Coffee break
15:25-16:15 Michael Möbius

Applications of Computer Assisted Language Learning, Data-driven Learning, and Computer Mediated Communication in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
16.15-16.25 Closing words (Begoña Sanroman)
16.30-18:00 Informal get-together (6th floor)