Aspects of Verbal Syntax
7.11.2014, room 12, Main Building
The research community CoCoLaC will organize a seminar on verbal syntax on November 7th. The seminar will focus on four languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French and German. All presentations will be in English.
We kindly ask for registration via e-form before the 31st of October.
8.45‒9.00 OPENING
9.00‒9.50 Rafael Cano Aguilar (Universidad de Sevilla): The Long March of si tuviera: from ‘real’ to ‘unreal’, and finally only ‘possible’ (abstract in pdf) NB. The presentation is in Spanish with English Power Point slides.
9.50‒10.40 Telmo Móia (Universidade de Lisboa): The expression of temporal information in (verb) argument structure.
10.40‒11.00 COFFEE BREAK
11.00‒11.30 Begoña Sanromán (University of Helsinki): Communication nouns and the selection of dar ‘to give’ and hacer ‘to make’ as light verbs in Spanish.
11.30‒12.00 Jukka Havu (University of Tampere): The expression of recent past in French and Spanish.
12.00‒12.30 Meri Larjavaara (Åbo Akademi): Can the transitive construction in French be semantically motivated?
12.30‒14.00 LUNCH
14.00‒14.50 Béatrice Lamiroy (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): The French impersonal construction “Il arrive un train”: a Romance curiosity?
14.50‒15.40 Tanja Mortelmans (Universiteit Antwerpen): Different ways of seeming: the German ‘evidential’ verb scheinen and its Dutch cognate schijnen
15.40‒16.00 COFFEE BREAK
16.00‒16.30 Jouni Rostila (University of Helsinki): Support verb constructions in German, English, Swedish and Finnish: Much ado about nothing?
16.30‒17.00 Irma Hyvärinen (University of Helsinki): dass + je – desto/umso/je: Word order in German subordinated Comparative Correlative Constructions ‒ A challenge not only for foreign language learners.
17.00‒17.30 Ulrike Richter (University of Helsinki): The German ‘free dative’ from a Finnish perspective.