When visual material fills up the space: places for encounters

Virtual Reality (VR) brings about possibilities for collaboration as well as for different practices and approaches to for instance art and art education.


Virtual Reality (VR) brings about possibilities for collaboration as well as for different practices and approaches to for instance art and art education. This is one of the topics of “Kasvuhuone”, an art education collaborative art exhibition that combines various approaches to making, learning and discussing art. The exhibition is the outcome of the collaborative effort by students doing a minor in Art Didactics and their mentors at the Faculty of Education, University of Helsinki.

Caledonia partnered as a physical platform for the VR module that was presented during the exhibition opening on the 16th April, 2019. The participants had the possibility to make pieces of art in VR, working on a modelled platform based on a neighbourhood in Helsinki.

The ability of VR to increase immersiveness and engagement in various learning tasks was discussed. Caledonia Hub is a partner in a project that creates study modules for circular economy in 5 European countries. Also in that project, VR and other immersive solutions are applied to knowledge co-creation, and multiplayer practices enable the students in different countries to participate in shared learning tasks using digital platforms and VR.

The solutions are also studied in terms of new ways and tools for assessing learning in VR and in multi-professional teams.