In the 5th episode of Poikkeuslinjalla -podcast (in Finnish) Pekka Sauri dicusses with Pilvi Torsti and Sari Lindblom-Ylänne about the potential generational experience left by current COVID-19 crisis. Hanna Wass moderates questions sent to the podcast. One of the themes is education, where Prof. Kristiina Brunila provides an intervening commentary which is played in the podcast for the other participants to listen and discuss about.
Kristiina enhances the group to discuss critically what impacts COVID-19 might carry to educational policy. New powerful actors and networks – such as different private companies and edu-tech businesses – and new forms of expertise are now entering the educational field, and this is now accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis. What transformations are these actors putting forth in our current educational systems, practices and policies? What impacts do marketisation, privatisation and digitalisation have on equality and democracy in education?
Listen to the full podcast here: