Apply for a grant

The foundation supports research conducted at Lammi Biological Station. Individual grants total from €500 to €1,500. Grants include free accommodation for one month at Lammi Biological Station. Applications for grants are accepted on a yearly basis. The grants for the year 2025 from the Environmental Research Foundation are now open for application. The application deadline is March 31, 2025. Successful grant recipients will be notified in April.
Call for funding applications

The grants support Master's theses conducted at the Lammi Biological Station and fund the expenses of doctoral research. Applications for the grants should be submitted to the foundation's board through an informal application, including essential details such as the research title, applicant's personal information, other funding received and applied for the research, and the thesis supervisor with their contact information. Additionally, applicants are required to attach a research plan summary of no more than two pages. Grant recipients are obligated to report on the progress of their work and the use of the grant to the foundation's board one year after receiving the grant.

The application deadline is March 31, 2025. Successful grant recipients will be notified in April.

For more information, please contact the foundation's representative Janne Sundell (, Applications can be sent to the following address: Lammi Biological Station Environmental Research Foundation, Pääjärventie 320, 16900 Lammi, or via email to the foundation's representative.