Competitiveness of Finnish industry relies on the competence of its workers. More than half of the workers within the Finnish industry have a vocational diploma. It is important that vocational education and training may respond to labour-market competency needs by supporting teachers, supervisors at school and at the workplace as well as students. Earlier studies focusing on national competency needs or educators’ pedagogical competencies are scarce. Pedaknow research project aims to shed light on these topics.
The first part of the project has started on March 1, 2022 and ended on December 31, 2023. During it, we studied what kind of competency needs there are in technical vocational education and training. First, we investigated to what extent vocational educators (i.e., vocational teachers, workplace supervisors and school supervisors) perceive to understand the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in their pedagogical work. Second, we studied to what extent educators perceive to understand those working-life competencies that vocational graduates should understand, for instance social and communication competencies, work-related attitudes and problem-solving competencies. Last, we examined to what extent vocational educators perceive to support vocational student learning of competencies. Data Protection Notice in Finnish (GDPR).
Research material collection lasted from August 2022 to June 2023. Results were published on 14.12.2023 and they can be read on AMKE's website (in Finnish). Next, the second part of Pedaknow will commence and its aim is to examine which forms of learning and course material contribute to the development of vocational educators’ competencies.
Docent PhD Kalle Virta is the leader and responsible researcher of the project. Other researchers are PhD Sami Löfgren, Docent PhD Manne Kallio and PhD Heli Kallio. Pedaknow research project is funded by the Foundation of the Confederation of Finnish Industry and Employers (i.e., Teollisuuden ja Työnantajain Keskusliiton (TT) Säätiö). Stakeholder network also includes The Finnish Association for the Development of Vocational Education and Training (AMKE), Finnish Energy (ET), The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland (Kemianteollisuus ry), Finnish Forest Industries (Metsäteollisuus ry) and Technology Industries of Finland (Teknologiateollisuus ry).
Pedaknow logo and website visualisation are designed by Reeta Sirviö.