Kalle Virta, Adjunct Professor, PhD (Ed.) works as a University Lecturer at the University of Helsinki. In his research, he has focused on learning, metacognition, self-regulation and learning of skills at different ages. In the Pedaknow research project, Kalle is the project leader and a fellow researcher.
Sami Löfgren, PhD (Ed.) works as a University Lecturer at the Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE). Sami’s doctoral thesis addressed upper-secondary technical vocational graduates’ domain-general competencies. His research interests include competence, vocational education and training and student transition from school to work. In the Pedaknow research project, Sami has responsibilities include in data collection and analysis, reporting, communication and stakeholder cooperation.
Manne Kallio, Adjunct Professor, PhD (Ed.) works as a Senior University Lecturer in the Pedagogical Faculty at the University of Helsinki. His research interests include teaching and learning and their background factors, especially related to technology and skills.
Heli Kallio, PhD (Ed.) works as a researcher at the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Turku. Heli’s research covers phenomena related to learning-to-learn from the student and teacher perspectives. Her special research interest focuses on metacognitive awareness and teachers’ strategies to respond to the challenges caused by 21st century skills, for example lifelong learning. In her doctoral dissertation, Heli studied how teachers at different educational sectors and levels gave support to their students in metacognitive knowledge and skills.
Iina Pousi, EdM is a doctoral student in the Doctoral Programme of School, Education, Society and Culture (SEDUCE) at the University of Helsinki. In her dissertation, she studies the development of student teachers' reflective thinking. Her research interests include higher-level thinking skills, especially reflective thinking and metacognitive awareness.
Salli Pylvänäinen, EdM is a doctoral student in the Doctoral Programme of Cognition, Learning, Instruction and Communication (CLIC) at the University of Helsinki. Salli studies teachers' self-compassion and its relations to their well-being at work. Along with her doctoral studies, Salli works full-time as a class teacher.