
List of events below
Webinar on Mental Health In a Digital Age

The event consists of a talk by Professor Ian Tucker, followed by a commentary and Q&A.  

Friday 24 May 2024, 12.00-14.00 (Finnish time, UTC+3). 

Zoom link: 
Meeting ID: 632 8738 9032


  1. Professor Ian Tucker (University of East London, UK): Mental Health in a Digital Age: Relationality, Mediation and New Practices of Support  
  2. Commentary by Satu Venäläinen, PhD, Adjunct Professor, University Lecturer in Social Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, University of Eastern Finland  
  3. Q&A 


A digitisation of mental health support has been underway for some time (Ellis & Tucker, 2020). This includes the development of digital versions of existing practices of support, such as embedding existing therapeutic interventions in digital form (e.g. CBT), through to embracing digital ways of creating new forms of online-only support (e.g. peer support communities). These moves were underway pre-Covid, but the virus has catalysed a digitisation of support. Tens of thousands of ‘mental health apps’ are now available that range in focus from meditation through to AI-driven chatbots. There is also the use of digital platforms by existing community-based mental health groups, which can engage individuals with a range arts and creative activities, along with providing more general peer support.  

In this paper I explore new practices of support enacted in and through digital platforms. Several things are at stake relationally in new support practices. The use of digital forms of support involves reconfiguring relations that individuals have with own mental health, with others, and in a context of increasingly data-rich environments. In-person relationships of support (e.g. as featuring in peer-groups) face a simultaneous distancing (geometrically) and closeness (immediacy of digital support). Digital practices of support have the potential to transform the multiple spatial and temporal relations that constitute support, as technologies become relational actors in support ‘in the present’, which is simultaneously shaped by memories of the past and anticipations as to what the future holds.  

These questions shape the discussion in the present paper, which draws conceptual and empirical work exploring the impact of digitising forms of mental health support. The paper presents insight of the reconfigured support practices and their potential impact on experiences of mental ill-health.  


Ian is Professor of Health and Social Psychology at The University of East London. Ian’s research interests include mental health, emotion and affect, digital media and surveillance. He has published empirical and theoretical work on care and recovery in a range of environments for mental health support; digital peer support in mental health and surveillance. Ian is currently working on a UKRI MARCH Network+ project exploring the impact of digital platforms in relation to ‘community assets’ (e.g. arts and creative communities) and experiences of mental ill-health. Ian is co-author of Social Psychology of Emotion (Sage) and ‘Emotion in the Digital Age’ (Routledge’s Studies in Science, Technology & Society Series). 

Satu currently works as a university lecturer in social psychology at the University of Eastern Finland. The bulk of her previous research focuses on discursive online and offline representations of gendered violence and affective-discursive dynamics related to gendered inequalities, violence and intersectional distinctions. Her current research project explores affective and discursive meanings and dynamics of sexual harassment among young people. She has published in journals such as Social Problems, Men and Masculinities, The Sociological Review, Feminist Media Studies, European Journal of Women’s Studies, and Feminism & Psychology

The webinar is jointly organised by Networked Care: Intimate Matters in Online Mental Health Care (NetCare), a research project funded by the Research Council of Finland  (PI: Marjo Kolehmainen), MadEnCounters: Visibilising Counter-Stories of Mental Distress, a research project funded by the Kone Foundation and Research Network on Mental Health in Social Science (Yhteiskuntatieteellisen mielenterveystutkimuksen verkosto) 

More information: Marjo Kolehmainen (

CFA Digital Mental Health: A symposium (3-4 December 2024, University of Turku)

Call for abstracts: Digital Mental Health: An international symposium 

3-4 December 2024, University of Turku, Finland (Abstracts due Aug 1)

The digitalisation of mental healthcare is a major transnational trend and emergent business, taking diverse forms from digitised psychotherapies to AI-generated chatbots, and from peer support on social media to organisational data-mining. These themes lie at the core of a symposium on digital mental health, to be held at University of Turku on 3-4 December 2024. The event consists of public keynotes by Professor Adrienne Evans (Coventry University, UK) and Professor Katrin Tiidenberg (Tallinn University, Estonia) and a two-day workshop where participants’ work-in-progress papers will be commented on by the keynote speakers, organizers and fellow participants. 

We invite abstracts from researchers across all career stages, from PhD students to established scholars, who are interested in the topic of digital mental health. Being situated at the intersections of various disciplines (e.g. digital cultural studies, media studies, sociology and gender studies), the symposium welcomes submissions across disciplinary boundaries and geographical locations.

The symposium will be followed by a publication of a special issue on digital mental health, edited by Adrienne Evans, Marjo Kolehmainen and Katrin Tiidenberg (in alphabetical order), in 2025.  In particular, we look for submissions that address the wide topic of digital mental health from intersectional, feminist and anti-racist perspectives, with research designs that seek to erode dichotomies such as health/illness, human/technology, mind/body, good/bad and/or that address digital mental health beyond individualized treatment and recovery narratives. They may include but are not limited to the following themes:


Digital technologies and mental health care

How digital technologies, from specific health technologies to popular platforms, reconfigure mental health care? What forms of professional care, peer support or self-care digital technologies facilitate or degrade?

How does AI transform mental health care?  What kind of challenges and possibilities are intertwined in the processes of integrating AI in mental health care?

How algorithms entangle with mental well-being or mental ill-being? How does algorithmic surfacing and content moderation shape individual and collective encounters with technology?

How does digital materiality take part in the processes of psychic well-being? How for instance wearable technology or self-tracking applications transform the relation between mind and body? 


Social media and mental health 

What kind of affective online communities are generated around mental health topics? What kind of ambivalences and asymmetries can be traced in different mental health participatory cultures and related discourses and practices of care?

How does online peer support renew practices of care? What kind of challenges and tensions can be found in the circulation of lay expertise, such as the promotion of self-diagnosing practices?

How do good life narratives and expectations for mental positivity shape digital mental health platforms and practices? What kind of norms, values and expectations are embedded in the ideas concerning good mental health?

How are different vulnerabilities maintained, produced and challenged through online encounters? What role do intersecting categories like age, gender, sexuality, class or race play in the patterns of digital inclusion/exclusion?


Postdigital cultures of mental well-being

How does the digitalisation of mental health interact with wider cultural crises and global unease?

How do psychopolitical aspects entangle with postdigital cultures?

How does sanism manifest in postdigital cultures, and how to increase online safety for all? How do different mental challenges materialise in digital encounters?

What frameworks can we develop to help us make sense of reported emotional distress due to digital technologies, and the redirection of this distress back to digital platforms? How does the networked blurring of the public and the private condition possibilities for mental well-being?

How might digital mental health be revolutionized by concepts of critical kindness, feminist wellness, or radical self-care? How to re-think ‘mad knowledges’ in digitalized societies?


The politics of digitalized services

What kind of consequences do mental health datafication and data economies have? What kind of patterns of exclusion and digital divides datafication processes produce?

How does the use of different digital tools advance (or fail to advance) more inclusive mental health care services? What kind of possibilities and challenges digital services from virtual reality to mobile applications provide in mental health provision? 

How do clients and patients experience the use of digital services? What kind of activism or resistance can be identified in relation to digitalisation of mental health care?

What kind of risks and vulnerabilities are intertwined in the processes where digital technologies take part in mental health care? How different forms of surveillance, control or coercion take place and affect the use of digital services?


Please submit your abstract (max. 300 words) and a short bio (max. 200 words) by August 1, 2024 to Additionally, please express your interest in contributing to the planned Special Issue. 

Decisions on acceptance will be made by the end of August. The maximum number of accepted papers will be 12. Participation is free of charge, but participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs and meals. The accepted participants are expected to submit a work-in-progress paper of max 8 pages by November 15, 2024. The papers will be circulated among the participants to facilitate discussion. 

For further information, please visit or contact: Laura Antola at

Organising committee: Marjo Kolehmainen (University of Turku) (chair), Tuuli Kurki (University of Helsinki), Elina Ikävalko (University of Helsinki), Jarkko Salminen (Tampere University) and Laura Antola (University of Turku).


The workshop is jointly organized by:

Intimacy in Data-Driven Culture (IDA), a research consortium funded by the Strategic Research Council at the Research Council of Finland 

Networked Care: Intimate Matters in Online Mental Health Care (NetCare), a research project funded by the Research Council of Finland 

Visibilising Counter-Stories of Mental Health (MadEnCounters), a research project funded by the Kone Foundation

Research Network on Mental Health in Social Science (Yhteiskuntatieteellisen mielenterveystutkimuksen verkosto)


MadEnCounters Kick-Off Seminar 2024

Thursday 1 February 2024, 14:00-17:00
Kuutio, Oodi Library and Zoom


14:00-14:15 Welcome and opening words

14:15-15:00 Keynote 1: Veena Meetoo, University College London

"It's not just from your point of view... it's how we experienced it and felt it." Co-research with unaccompanied migrant young people: practice and ethics in the intersection of race and generation.

15:00-15:45 Keynote 2: Reetta Mietola, University of Helsinki

"Who knows about disability? Challenging ableism and epistemic justice by changing the social relations in research production.

16:00-16:45 Paneelikeskustelu: Kertomatta jääneet tarinat mielenterveydestä

Moderaattori: Elina Ikävalko

Panelistit: Vanessa Grant ja (Yeesi ry, Muudi-hanke), Tariq Omar ja Sakaria Ahmed-Nur (Samha ry), Peppi Santaniemi (Vamlas)

16:45-17:00 Closing remarks

Nuoret ja mielenterveys -luento 18.3.2024

MadEnCounters-tutkimushanke järjestää yhdessä Yhteiskuntatieteellisen mielenterveystutkimuksen verkoston kanssa Nuorisotutkimus-lehden "Nuoret ja mielenterveys" -teemanumeroon liittyvän viimeisen webinaarin ma 18.3.24 klo 13–15

Luentosarjan viimeisellä kerralla FT, Tuuli Kurki kertoo artikkelistaan rasismin aiheuttamasta kivusta ja kanssahoivasta nuorten vertaistukiryhmissä. Lisäksi väitöskirjatutkija ja teemanumeron toimituskunnan jäsen Jarkko Salminen kokoaa yhteen teemanumeron teemoja tuoden uusia näkökulmia nuorten mielenterveyteen. 

Lämpimästi tervetuloa kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan! Zoom-linkki webinaariin on

Nuoret ja mielenterveys -luentosarja syksyllä 2023

Tervetuloa kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan nuorista ja mielenterveydestä yhteiskunta- ja kulttuurintutkimuksellisista näkökulmista! Luentosarjan alustukset käsittelevät muun muassa stigmapuheen ongelmia, mielenterveyspalvelujen ammattimaiseksi asiakkaaksi tulemista sekä rap-lyriikoita suhteessa mielenterveysdiskursseihin. Tilaisuudet jatkuvat keväällä 2024.

Maanantai 23.10.23 klo 10–12

Tutkijatohtori Piia Ruutu: Koulussa koetut paineet ja koulunkäynnin keskeytyminen

Kokemustaustainen asiantuntija Ville Venesmäki: Ammattina asiakkuus


Maanantai 11.12.23 klo 13–15

Väitöskirjatutkija Anna Pakarinen: Kertomus, koherenssi ja kulttuurihyvinvointi rap-artisti Cheekin uranpäätöstrilogiassa

FM, Anna Koivukoski: Stigman purkaminen voi kääntyä tavoitettaan vastaan


Linkki tilaisuuksiin:

Luentosarjan järjestää yhteiskuntatieteellisen mielenterveystutkimuksen verkosto yhteistyössä MadEnCounters-tutkimushankkeen ja Nuorisotutkimuslehden kanssa.