Publications and news

Below publications and news related to Study with Strength.
Upcoming Study with Strength course 2025

Together with a team/group from your school, you are warmly welcome to participate in an upcoming Study with Strength course planned for four weekday afternoons during March-May 2025. Participants from both upper-secondary schools and vocational schools are welcomed. For registration and further information please contact Åse ( or Monica ( 

Publications from the Strength, happiness and compassion project for basic school students, school personnel and parents

Fagerlund & Laakso, (2021). Flourishing students in a time of change. In Wellbeing and Resilience Education, Routledge.

Jakobsson, Fagerlund, Laakso & Londen, (2023), The emotional well-being of teachers and school personnel: An experience sampling study

von Kraemer, Fagerlund, & Pettersson, (2024). Strengthening Parents' and Children's Wellbeing Through Positive Psychology: A Qualitative Study of Parents' Experiences of a Structured Training in Mindfulness and Character Strength. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology

Laakso, Fagerlund, Lagerström, (2024), Increasing student well-being trough a positive psychology intervention: changes in salivary cortisol, depression, psychological well-being, and hope

Pentti, Fagerlund, & Nyström, (2019). Flourishing families: Effects of a positive psychology intervention on parental flow, engagement, meaning and hope. International Journal of Wellbeing

Sandholm, Simonsen, Ström & Fagerlund, (2023). Teachers’ experiences with positive education. Cambridge Journal of education

Simonsen, Karrasch, Laine & Fagerlund (2023): Protective factors against school burnout symptoms in Finnish adolescents, Nordic psychology

Söderlund, Simonsen, Alanko & Fagerlund, (2024). Tweens: A Positive Psychology Family Intervention for Adolescents with Depression-or Anxiety-related Symptomatology. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology