WELLS learning solution promoting well-being and working skills open for B2B piloting in SME’s and large companies internationally

Several companies and ecosystem actors expressed their interest in the WELLS solution during the NORDEEP Deep Tech Summit 2023.

The Wells Finland team presented the recently opened opportunity to pilot the WELLS solution to international companies during the NORDEEP Summit 11.-12.10.2023. Our team and presentation were well-received, and we were able to spark lively discussions about the future of well-being in workplace organizations.

Science-based, impact-driven approaches much on demand

Many companies and ecosystem actors found the WELLS solution’s science-based and impact-driven approach as a much-needed direction within the field. 

There is vast evidence associating an increase in psychological flexibility with an increase in general well-being, workability, innovation and better utilisation of organisational resources.  In WELLS’ own research, the results have already established that the course positively impacted university students’ well-being, learning experiences, motivation, efficiency and meaningfulness of learning (Katajavuori et al., 2021). The course has also been associated with positive changes in students’ organized study skills, psychological flexibility, and procrastination. During the WELLS pilot journey, the change in individual and team well-being is mapped with pre- and post-surveys as well as impact evaluations after 1/3/6 months (where possible). 


Psychological flexibility and working skills combination established as interesting

The combination of psychological flexibility skills and practical working skills appeared to resonate with many leaders’ experiences from their employees’ daily work. 

Various leaders expressed their concern for the mental health and workload of their workers. Ultimately, it was concluded that in general, employees need all the support available for managing stress, finding ways to organize their use of time, finding a solution-focused mindset within unpleasant or fast-changing situations, or taking mindful breaks to balance their day. This is especially true for those in the early stages of their career, but simultaneously often amongst the more experienced professionals as well. 

WELLS concept validation phase ongoing internationally

The WELLS concept will be validated with pilot users and customers in different international markets during the upcoming year; the next pilots will start in January and March 2024.  The WELLS team is convinced that many companies will find it a great opportunity to be amongst the first to pilot the solution in their own organisation.