Improved quality of teacher education and competence-based approaches

HEP-TED’s first outcome aims to improve the quality of teacher education through co-creation and pedagogical renewal towards competence-based approaches to higher learning.

The second outcome, ‘improved quality of teacher education,’ is based on the adoption of competence-based curricula and assessment across Rwanda’s education sector. This shift necessitates changes in behaviours, practices and pedagogies in general teacher education and training of TVET teachers. 

The joint needs assessment identified a lack of adequate HE pedagogy training for teacher educators at the University of Rwanda, College of Education (UR-CoE) and Rwanda Polytechnic (RP). Addressing this factor is crucial to significantly improve the overall quality of education within the Rwandan higher education institutions. 

Therefore, this project will support the training of teachers (both general, and TVET teachers) to enhance their knowledge and skills on competence-based curriculum and assessment, as well as pedagogical approaches (including digital and distance learning), which will be integrated in the current programmes of the UR-CoE and RP. Urgent attention is needed for pedagogical development in Rwanda to improve the overall quality of education. This includes prioritising competency-based approaches, while also addressing the importance of gender-sensitive pedagogy and implementing disability-inclusive practices.

Focus of our activities

Institutional management and quality assurance training for the teachers 

  • Institutional quality assurance systems, including the creation of internal and external quality assurance mechanisms, will be developed. 
  • To ensure the implementation of this system, the existing institutional management and quality assurance training module will be revised and improved, based on the benchmarking created and study visits. The training module will then be implemented within the HEIs.

Use of diversified pedagogies for digital learning in teacher education

  • A series of training on diversified pedagogies, and especially on the use of digital learning, will be carried out for the teaching staff of the University of Rwanda’s College of Education and Rwanda Polytechnic. The training will be directly connected to competence-based learning, applied to designing of current or planned courses, and model ling the use of different platforms and their possibilities. 
  • To smoothen the use of digital tools and provide appropriate support, the training concept of ‘digital tutors’ is planned. These tutors are volunteer teachers who have interest in providing collegial support for digital learning pedagogies.

Innovative approaches and solutions co-created for higher education pedagogy in teacher education

  • Activities under this output focus on new approaches and thinking about higher education pedagogy. Capacity building for thesis supervision will be implemented through co-supervision and peer-to-peer support across institutions. 
  • Online supervision sessions with student participation will be used when appropriate. 
  • Innovative higher education pedagogies will be integrated in developing professional development programmes through a series of training for the higher education pedagogy professionals at the University of Rwanda’s College of Education and Rwanda Polytechnic. 
  • As in the digital learning training, new pedagogies and competence-based curriculum thinking will be integrated in the selected existing courses.