
Here you can find additional information about the CREDU project and an introduction to the current Co-Creation project funded by Business Finland, KOKOAVA.

CREDU was active during 1.7.2020 - 30.11.2022. Its aim was to generate new research knowledge and understanding on a range of issues related to the learning of actors of different ages. In addition to cognitive learning, the studies addressed the learning of social skills, the development of trust (especially in non-face-to-face communication situations) and the impact of spatial solutions on learning and other activities. In a university context, CREDU positions itself as a highly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary consortium, with corporate partners bringing significant content and expertise to the studies.

Future Directions

Building on the early childhood education and learning studies and related development work of the CREDU project, a new Co-Creation project funded by Business Finland, KOKOAVA, is currently active. Our aim is to create a national and international ecosystem of actors driven by an interest in improving learning and well-being. Currently, a consortium of research and business is being formed, which will be using multidisciplinary research to develop and implement a new project. We are searching for business partners who share our ambition and values to promote the well-being in learning, particularly for children, families and early childhood education and care staff at home, in early childhood education and in leisure activities, based on a holistic learning perspective.

Research Methods

The video shows an example of a research method that could be used in KOKOAVA; learning can be studied using EEG. Other possible ways of investigating learning include methods like observations and questionnaires. For children these can be questionnaires completed by teachers or guardians, such as the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.

The video is in Finnish and includes English subtitles.