Many academic dances are danced at the Conferment Ball in addition to the performance-like figure dances Masters’ Contredanse Française and Doctoral Polonaise, in which all the Master and Doctor promovendi have the opportunity to participate together with their companions. Jubilee Masters and Doctors do not take part in these two dances. Mandatory dance rehearsals will be organized for those who are participating in the Masters’ Contredanse Française according to the schedule below.
The Doctor promovendi will practice the Doctoral Polonaise at the dress rehearsal before which it is possible to attend the general dance rehearsals to practice the other academic dances.
General dance rehearsals will be organized for those promovendi and all others who are taking part in the Conferment ceremonies who are not participating in the Masters’ Contredanse Française or the Doctoral Polonaise in order to practice the other academic dances danced at the Conferment Ball. Attending the general dance practice is voluntary.
The Contredanse Française is a 7-part figure dance for the young Masters, and participating in it requires commitment to attend all the practice sessions (unforeseeable events can of course be exempted). Because the pairs dance opposite each other, it makes practicing the dance extremely difficult if your opposing pair is missing. Likewise, if the opposing pair drops out, it also means that the other pair cannot participate in the whole dance. You must attend the first practice session in order to participate in the dance. We will be teaching the other academic dances during the dance rehearsals for the Masters’ Contredanse Française as well, so you don’t need to attend the general dance rehearsals if you are participating in the Contredance Française.
Confirmed schedule for the Française rehearsals:
Thu 20.3. Hertsikka Primary School, gym, Ahmatie 1, 18.30—20.30
Thu 27.3. Ressu Comprehensive School, gym (lower hall), Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 18.30—20.30
Thu 3.4. Ressu Comprehensive School, gym (lower hall), Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 18.30—20.30
Thu 10.4. Ressu Comprehensive School, gym (lower hall), Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 18.30—20.30
Thu 24.4. Ressu Comprehensive School, gym (lower hall), Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 18.30—20.30
Mon 28.4. Ressu Comprehensive School, ballroom, Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 18.30—20.30
Thu 8.5. Ressu Comprehensive School, gym (lower hall), Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 18.30—20.30
Thu 15.5. Ressu Comprehensive School, gym (lower hall), Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 18.30—20.30
Grab yourself a pair of indoor shoes for the practice sessions, high heels are used only in the dress rehearsal. A long skirt adds to the festive atmosphere.
Having a companion beforehand is not an absolute requirement for participating in the Masters’ Contredanse Française. It is possible to find oneself a dance partner among those who have no companions at the first dance rehearsals.
The general dance rehearsals will take place on Sunday the 4th of May and 18th of May at UniSport Otaniemi (Otaranta 6), in Otahalli's Aalto-hall, 11—14. You do not need a partner for the general dance rehearsals. Both rehearsals are voluntary.
The mandatory dress rehearsal for those who are participating in the dance performances will be held at Vanha Ylioppilastalo (The Old Student House, Mannerheimintie 3) on Monday the 19th of May. The detailed schedule for the dress rehearsal will be published later
the Masters’ Contredanse Française,
the dress rehearsal for the academic dances and the Guest and Doctoral Polonaise.
Please take into account that during the Doctoral Polonaise, everyone must be dressed in black, which is the colour of the Doctors. If the companion of the Doctor promovendus wears white during the Conferment Act (see Dress Code), they must change to a black outfit for the Doctoral Polonaise. If the dance partner is a Master promovendus, they must remove their wreath for the duration of the dance.
The Masters’ Contredanse Française is a visual dance based on the patterns formed by the dancers who are wearing black and white. A pair will be able to participate in the dance only if one of them is dressed in a black tailcoat and the other one is wearing a white gown. If you and your companion are wearing the same colour during the Conferment Act (see Dress Code), one of you must change your outfit for the Masters’ Contredanse Française.
A Doctor promovendus dressed in a black tailcoat is able to participate in the Contredanse Française as the dancing partner of a Master promovendus, but they must remove all their academic insignias for the duration of the dance. Everyone who is wearing colourful outfits or any other colours than black or white is unable to participate in the Doctoral Polonaise or the Masters’ Contredanse Française, but they are welcome to participate in all other dances.