COVERE² participated in the 60th edition of the International Agricultural Show in Paris

The International Agricultural Show took place from February 24 to March 03 in Paris. The main goal of the organizers is to inspire the future generations of food makers. This year COVERE² was also involved, when ELEKS participated in the event.
2024 Agricultural Show in the context of demonstration from farmers in France and Europe

Happening every year and in 2024 for the 60th time, The International Agricultural Show gathers actors from the Food System, across the value chain, from the farmers to the distributors. The event is designed as a festive gathering. Around 600 000 visitors were expected to attend this, families and professionals.

Farmers and agricultural producers have been a lot in the news recently as they have been raising some concerns about the working conditions, products prices, competition in Europe and overall sustainability and resilience of Agriculture in France. 

GHG emissions reduction towards Net Zero
The show was a great forum to exchange with professionals from diverse areas of the food system, from farmers to producers and retailers. A lot of learning and thoughts provoking discussions around topics of decarbonization, European regulations, compliance, reporting, transparency and traceability.

A lot are already done when it comes to GHG emissions accounting and reduction, using different standards, tools and processes. Larger companies are anticipating the upcoming changes in EU regulatory frameworks. The goals of Net Zero and decreasing environmental footprint are largely shared amongst actors of the food system.

COVERE² needs feedback and inputs from experts from the food industry

ELEKS made many contacts and hopefully there is interest from professionals to joint COVERE² Advisory Board to keep on following the future development of COVERE² solutions and contribute in making it as efficient and relevant as possible. COVERE² Advisory Board was built as an official channel for stakeholder engagement, enabling dialogue between the project’s team and industrials. Advisory board members are offered the possibility to test the beta-version of the solution in a facility of their choice, along with access to the partners ecosystem, project events and customized knowledge sharing information sessions about EU regulations and sustainability.