Use cases

The features of the ATTX platform will be based on requirements from concreate, real life use cases provided by the partner organizations.

Theme for cases is set by the national Open Science and Research initiative, and will revolve around data produced in different stages of research lifecycle.

For the ATTX project, use cases provide a concreate and valuable context against which to build the technology and hopefully demonstrate the applicability of that technology in certain type of data re-use scenarios. It is also possible that one of the use cases will be further developed to a proper data service, but that is out of scope for this project.

Infrastructures and publications

The goal of the use case is to produce a dataset that allows one to search and browse publications based on the metadata about the related research infrastructure. For example, "List publications that are related to any research infrastructure provided by the Finnish Environment Institute" or "List publications that are related to infrastructured that have international host and group them by publication's field of science".

We extract basic publication and infrastructure metadata as well as links between them from the University of Helsinki's CRIS system TUHAT. For example the TUHAT page for NaPPI - National Plant Phenotyping Infrastructure contains links to links to other entities managed by the CRIS system, such as organizational units, people, activities, classifications and publications, well as external links to related resources. For the purposes of this use case, new external links we added that point to the Finnish Reseach Infrastructures service using URN identifiers. These new links provide explicit links to metadata descriptions in another service and allows us to enrich the infrastructure data coming from CRIS with the more detailed metadata from the This new aggregated dataset is updated periodically and published through a JSON API using ATTX components.

Parallel publication dashboard

The goal of the use case is to produce a dataset that allows one to query, browse and visualize state of parallel publishing in Finland along different attributes, such as organization, field of science or any other custom classification scheme. Since data related to the openness of publications is always changing, the dataset should preserve previous versions of harvested datasets in order to support queries such as "Compare the OA status of publications published in 2015 at the end of the year 2016 and 2017".

New dataset contains of one incrementally harvested publication metadata dataset and a set of versioned datasets that can be used to describe the openness of publications. In the first phase, the publication data will be based on universities' CRIS data and the only openness related information is the availability of parallel published version of an article. Parallel publication data will be harvested from the universities' institutional repositories. Dataset can later be extended with openness related data from CRIS systems, VIRTA, DOAJ or any other interesting dataset.

Jyväskylä University Library
Hanken School of Economics


The goal of the use case is to experiment with methods for migrating metadata from the current national systems for research data management to the new Metax system and evaluating the proposed metadata model.

Etsin and IDA services will be the main data sources. Use case will also take advantage of the data from the Interoperability descrictions service and Finnish national ontology service. The former contains the data that can be used to validate the results of data mapping whereas the former provides linking targets for classifications schemes in a linked data format.

CSC - IT center for science


The goal of the use case is to create a dataset that provides an aggregated view to the research data output of the University of Helsinki. This new dataset and accompanied data API are then used as the backend service for university's Think Open site. Think open site brings together and to promotes openness related activities, such as open research data, open source code and publications, within the University of Helsinki.

Use case is part of the Mildred project, which aims to update the research data infstructure provided by the University of Helsinki. Mildred consists of five subprojects that concentrate on different phases of the research process. ATTX co-operates with the subproject which is responsible for building and data publishing and metadata services.