The University of Helsinki is in the 81st position in the National Taiwan University (NTU) ranking. Last year, the University placed at 71. Despite the lower position, the University of Helsinki remained the third highest-ranking Nordic university, with only the University of Copenhagen and the Karolinska Institutet above it. Most Finnish and Nordic universities fell in the NTU ranking.
The other highest ranking Finnish universities were the University of Turku at 323 (2016:304), University of Eastern Finland 326 (2016: 339) and Aalto University at 350 (2016: 332).
The NTU ranking is based exclusively on publication and citation data. Some indicators are calculated on a long-term (11 years) and others on a short-term (2 years) basis.
“The dip in the University of Helsinki’s ranking is primarily attributable to a weaker result in short-term citations. Asian universities have gained resources, which has increased competition in the natural sciences in particular,” says Adviser Markku Javanainen.
The University of Helsinki’s discipline-specific rankings were: agriculture, 27th; life sciences, 60th; natural sciences, 121st; clinical medicine, 82nd; and social sciences, 113rd. This ranking does not cover the arts and humanities. The classification used in the NTU ranking does not directly correspond to the University of Helsinki’s system of faculty-specific fields or disciplines.
University rankings typically include approximately 17,000 institutions of higher education around the world. The University of Helsinki is among the best 0.5% in the world.