The Future of Forests - watch the event from 6 October

What will the boreal forests look like in 100 years from now? What is resilience and why is it important for the future of forests? What is the role of forests in mitigating climate change? You can now watch the recording of the event, streamed from Think Corner on 6 October 17:00 EET.

The recording of the event is available here.

Learn more about the strategic partnership in forestry between University of Helsinki and University of Edinburgh.

The evening at Think Corner will be packed with video inserts from both Universities, lively panel discussion with panellists representing both forest sciences and industry, and short greetings from the PhD students doing their research within the partnership.

You are welcome to join us at Think Corner (Yliopistonkatu 4), the maximum number of attendees will be confirmed later.

Programme Wednesday 6 October 17:00 - 18:30 EET / 15:00 – 16:30 GMT

Opening words by University of Helsinki vice rector, Professor Hanna Snellman

Opening words by University of Edinburgh Senior Vice- Principal, Professor Jonathan Seckl

Panel discussion moderated by Mr Mikko Jalo


  • Annikki Mäkelä, Professor in Silviculture at the Department of Forest Sciences
  • Anna Lintunen, research coordinator at INAR Forest Sciences, Adjunct professor (title of docent) in Tree ecophysiology
  • Sami Oksa, Director, Stakeholder Relations, UPM Forest North Europe 

Video greetings from the PhD students


We thank Metsämiesten säätiö for their kind support of making this event happen!

More about the partnership

The University of Edinburgh and the University of Helsinki forged a strategic partnership in 2019. Together, they are creating joint positions for doctoral candidates in two areas where both universities have an outstanding track record of expertise and world-class research infrastructure: human genomics and forestry.

News about the partnership

Neither the global covid19-pandemia nor brexit have stopped the partnership between the two universities: four PhD students started their work as planned.

Read more about Diana Jerome and her experience.