Welcome to the new academic year at the University!

While the academic year at the University is again beginning under exceptional circumstances to a certain degree, we wish to welcome all members of the University community to the new academic year. We will be offering safe encounters and events in person and over remote connections.

You can follow the pre-recorded opening ceremony for the entire University community on Monday, 6 September from 12.00 onwards, on the University of Helsinki's YouTube channel. Explore the programme of the opening ceremony.

Let’s meet safely!

The campuses are opening for students and staff. Already now, part of teaching is organised as contact instruction, while many student cafeterias are welcoming members of the University community visiting the campuses in person. However, we ask you to take into consideration the general restrictions relating to the pandemic and the necessary safety measures when moving about on University premises. Visit our website to keep yourself up to date with the relevant guidelines and the situation. Let’s take care of ourselves and one another.

For new students

New students received their instructions and welcoming words already in the summer. Their autumn begins with orientation and tutoring, where further details on studies and studying will be shared.

Tutors will distribute a University of Helsinki canvas bag, the Fresher Guide by the Student Union of the University of Helsinki and protective face masks to each new student. Guidance and wellbeing sessions for new students will be held on 2 and 3 September. The sessions will be recorded, and a link will be provided to them on the Orientation and tutoring section of the Instructions for Students website, which also contains a lot of other useful information.

The Ask Me! campaign, now established as a tradition, will be organised also this autumn, from 6 to 10 September 2021, providing the opportunity for anyone to ask about anything on their minds and get advice from members of the University community. The website of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki offers information on the organisation’s benefits and events for members.