Are you the weakest link in your computer’s security? – Open course on data security starts again

The joint online course of the University of Helsinki and the cyber security company F-Secure, Cyber Security Base with F-Secure, starts for the third time.

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki and the cyber security and privacy company F-Secure are starting their third online course on data security as a collaboration. The Cyber Security Base with F-Secure course is free and open to everyone. The so-called MOOC (massive open online course) will start on 29 October 2018.

The course is suitable for anyone interested in security and the work of a security analyst, with basic programming skills.

“The course was developed because data security is not just a matter for analysts, but it is everybody’s concern“, says the teacher in charge of the course, postdoctoral researcher Samu Varjonen from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki.

Security starts with the doors being locked and company memory cards not being left lying around. Security is also not giving your password to phishing scams or opening dodgy attachments. At home, the risks may lurk in your smart fridge or other network connections in your home appliances. Further, everyone needs to make sure all their systems are up to date.

“We want to alert people to the fact that security is their responsibility as much as anyone's. The security package you bought for your computer is no use if you give up your information yourself“, says Varjonen.

You can choose your level

Some of the contents of the course Cyber Security Base with F-Secure have been updated, and the impact of the new EU privacy legislation on security has been included, for example.

The course yields 1–10 credits according to your own preference. The Open University is also a partner in the course.

The online course Cyber Security Base with F-Secure consists of six modules. The language of the course is English, and besides learning the course material and carrying out exercises, students will be expected to comment on each other’s work. 

Topical issues in data security will also be discussed during the seminar Trends in Cyber Security on the 7th November in Science Corner (Yliopistonkatu 4).

Read more:

Sign up for the course Cyber Security Base with F-Secure.

Learn about other MOOCs at the university

Learn about other MOOCs at the Department of Computer Science

More details about the course: Post-doctoral researcher Samu Varjonen, 050 416 0523,    

The seminar Trends in Cyber Security will update you on topical issues in data security
  • The University of Helsinki and Helsinki Centre for Data Science (HiDATA) are giving the seminar Trends in Cyber Security in Science Corner (Yliopistonkatu 4) on Wednesday, the 7th November at 13–15. 
  • The seminar will discuss topical issues in data security, such as protection of privacy, from the viewpoint of artificial intelligence.
  • Speakers at the seminar are Matti Aksela (F-Secure), Hanna Smith (Hybrid CoE), Valtteri Niemi (University of Helsinki), and Arto Hellas (University of Helsinki). 
  • Entrance is free to the seminar Trends in Cyber Security. There are seats for the 150 first to arrive, so it is a good idea to register for the seminar beforehand.
  • More details on the Facebook page of the seminar.