The University of Helsinki launched its new degree programmes on 1 August 2017. However, students can continue to study and graduate in accordance with the previous degree requirements until the end of the transition period on 18 December 2020.*
Students pursuing a degree based on the previous degree requirements who do not graduate before the above deadline will be transferred to one of the new degree programmes. The new programmes have stricter rules on the expiry of courses and modules. If you cannot graduate before the end of the transition period, you should take the initiative and consider transferring to a new degree programme in December 2019. If you do not intend to complete your degree, you can also waive your right to pursue it.
If you have completed most components of your degree (e.g., all requirements apart from a bachelor’s or master’s thesis), you still have time to complete your degree in accordance with the previous requirements before the end of the transition period.
The University’s Heads of Academic Affairs emphasise that students should try to graduate according to the old degree requirements, if possible, because studies that are older than 10 years cannot be included in the new degree programmes. Also the teaching curricula are subject to change and it will be difficult to determine the equivalency of the old courses in the new degree programmes.
Do you wish to complete your degree before all students are transferred to the new degree programmes?
Please contact your faculty’s Student Services.
*Some degree programmes may have decided on a longer transition period. This is the case for, for example, the Degree Programme in Dentistry (until 31 December 2020) and the study track in administration and organisations offered by the discipline of political science (31 July 2023). For further information on transition periods, please see your faculty’s instructions.