Webinar: Climate change, loss of biodiversity, corona - What do we know now?

Warmly welcome to join Webinars on Wednesday 27 January and Thursday 28 January 2021, both at 13 – 16.15 organized by Hannele Pokka, Professor of practice, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences.

Time: Wednesday 27 January  and Thursday 28 January  2021, both at 13 – 16.15

Venue: Zoom: https://helsinki.zoom.us/s/65604603140 (Meeting ID: 656 0460 3140

Passcode: 510957)

Language: English

Registration: not needed

Questions: possibility to ask questions in writing during the Zoom webinar

The purpose of these two afternoon seminars is to give information about the current state of the climate negotiations and the Convention on Biodiversity. Presentations covers several important questions related to this topic:

  • Importance of the circular economy. Is the circular economy the new normal?
  • Climate change and nature loss are progressing. International negotiation processes have been postponed due to the coronavirus. What do we know about these negotiations? Can the coronavirus accelerate efforts to halt climate change and loss of nature?
  • Development cooperation is one of Finland's ways of participating in climate action in poor countries. What is the status of development cooperation?
  • China has decided to be carbon neutral 2050. Is China the new climate leader? What is The EU`s Green Deal? Shall US do a comeback to international climate politics?
  • Can cities be climate leaders? Businesses and biodiversity – how this combination works?

Program of  the webinar:

We 27 Jan 2021

Theme 1. International negotiations  

13.00 - 13.15  Despite the coronavirus, climate change is progressing and biodiversity is becoming poorer Introduction to the theme

Hannele Pokka, Professor of Practice, Moderator

13.15 - 14.00  How are the international negotiations?  

Outi Honkatukia, Finland's Chief Climate Negotiator, Ministry of the Environment

Break   **** 

14.15 - 14.45   Nature loss is accelerating - in what state are international negotiations?  

Marina von Weissenberg, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of the Environment

Break   **** 

15.00 - 15.30  What do we expect from new US government and China's climate policy in near future?     

Matti Anttonen, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

15.30 - 16.15   Development cooperation to combat climate change and biodiversity loss  

Satu Santala, Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Thu 28 Jan 2021   

Theme 2. EU and national level  

13.00 - 13.15    Introduction to today's theme  

Hannele Pokka, Professor of Practice, Moderator

13.15 - 14.00  The European Green Deal? What do we know about it?  

Ville Niinistö, Member of European Parliament (MEP)

Break   ****

14.15 - 14.55  Can cities be climate leaders?  

Pekka TimonenMayor, City of Lahti, European Green Capital 2021

Break   ****

15.00 - 15.30   Do nature-based solutions and business fit together?  

Ilkka Ojalehto, Environmental specialist, Rudus

15.30 - 16.15  Sustainable recovery after corona – does it happen in Finland?  

Martti Hetemäki, Professor of Practice, ex State Secretary in The Ministry of Finance  

Mari Pantsar, Director, Sitra