More than 230 new doctoral researcher positions available – Call for applications ends on 22 April 

Three-year positions of doctoral researcher are available at the University of Helsinki in a pilot funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

The application period for the doctoral education pilot launched by the Finnish government and funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture has begun and will conclude on 22 April. At the University of Helsinki, there are altogether 236 vacancies in 11  sectoral pilots or consortia

The purpose of the doctoral education pilot is for doctoral researchers to carry out their doctoral theses from start to the stage of preliminary examination during the three-year funding period. The pilot will create new practices to support the timely completion of degrees.  

Collaboration is increasingly important  

An essential part of the pilot is to increase mobility between universities, companies, research institutes and other organisations, as a significant share of the graduates will find employment outside the University. Through collaboration, more and more doctoral researchers have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the operations of various partners on business visits and at events during their doctoral studies. 

“The challenges of modern society require highly educated specialists. We aim to develop doctoral education so that our doctoral graduates are able to respond to these multidisciplinary challenges,” says Minna Palander-Collin, Director of the University of Helsinki Doctoral School.  

Pilot brings new opportunities 

  Vice-Rector Anne Portaankorva points out that the pilot is part of a broader whole for reforming doctoral education. 

“The doctoral education pilot launched by the Finnish government is a step towards modernised research. The pilot provides us with a wonderful opportunity to develop the practices of doctoral education and improve support and supervision in doctoral research.