Students demonstrate at Soc&kom

A dozen of students have today occupied the loft space of the Swedish School of Social Science in protest against the cuts planned by the government.

The students say they want to show their support for the student protest movement that started at the University of Helsinki on the 19 September and want to demonstrate against the government's plans to cut the financial aid for students. 

Tuomas Martikainen, Rector of the Swedish School of Social Science, met the protesters just after lunch. 

"Like Sari Lindblom, Rector of the University, and UNIFI, the Council of University Rectors, I am concerned about the well-being and financial situation of students. It is great that students take a stand on issues that affect them and I hope that political decision-makers take their concerns seriously."

The University will not intervene in the demonstration at Soc&kom as long as safety is not jeopardised or the premises are not damaged. 

The student protest movement started at the University of Helsinki on 19 September and has spread to several universities, colleges and schools around Finland. At the University of Helsinki, the occupiers of the university's main building completed their demonstration and left the building over the weekend. Demonstrations have also ended on the campuses in Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki.