Collaboration in solubility modelling
The Department of Chemistry at the University of Helsinki is not launching research into cannabis. However, the modelling methods used here could also be adapted to cannabis research.
– We are carrying out modelling of the solubilities and saturation vapor pressures of complex molecular structures in the context of atmospheric research at the University of Helsinki, says Academy Research Fellow, Docent Theo Kurtén, who hosted the visit at the University of Helsinki.
This field of research is on the rise internationally, since the selling and manufacturing of medical cannabis has become legal in many countries, and many are preparing changes to their legislation.
New Zealand is aiming for this market. Medical cannabis is still illegal there, but the University of Waikato and the commercial research institute founded in connection with it, Cannasouth Plant Research, have a special license to grow and develop hemp products.
Daniel Reason is working in a Cannasouth Plant Research and preparing a doctoral thesis at the University of Waikato. He is developing better methods for extracting the beneficial parts of the plant efficiently.
– Research and development are needed to bring cannabis products following the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards for medicine onto the market with manufacturing methods that are as environmentally sound as possible, says Reason.
Daniel Reason spoke at a seminar arranged by the KCCP collaboration network between chemists and physicists at the Kumpula campus of the University of Helsinki. (KCCP stands for “Kumpula Computational Chemistry and Physics.”) Coming guest lectures can be founon the KCCP web site.