The University of Helsinki appointed faculty deans

The Board of the University of Helsinki appointed faculty deans for the term 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2021.

The newly appointed deans are:

Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences: Professor Jaakko Kangasjärvi

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Professor Antti Sukura

Faculty of Pharmacy: Professor Jouni Hirvonen

Faculty of Arts: Professor Hanna Snellman

Faculty of Educational Sciences: Professor Johanna Mäkelä

Faculty of Medicine: Professor Risto Renkonen

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry: Docent Ritva Toivonen

Faculty of Science: Professor Paula Eerola

Faculty of Law: Professor Pia Letto-Vanamo

Faculty of Theology: Professor Antti Räsänen

Faculty of Social Sciences: Professor Hannu Nieminen


Jaakko Kangasjärvi (b.1960)

DPhil Jaakko Kangasjärvi has served as professor of plant biology at the University of Helsinki since 2003, and as director of the Doctoral Programme in Plant Sciences since 2014.

Antti Sukura (b. 1958)

DVM Antti Sukura has served as the dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine since 2007. Since 2002, he has served as professor of veterinary pathology.

Jouni Hirvonen (b. 1965)

Since 2010, DPhil Jouni Hirvonen has served as the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and since 1998, as the professor of pharmaceutical technology at the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology.

Hanna Snellman (b. 1961)

DPhil Hanna Snellman is currently the dean of the Faculty of Arts. She has served as the professor of European ethnology at the University of Helsinki since 2012.

Johanna Mäkelä (b. 1961)

Since 2012, DSSc Johanna Mäkelä has served as the professor of food culture at the Department of Teacher Education. Between 2001 and 2012, she worked as head of research at the National Consumer Research Centre.

Risto Renkonen (b. 1961)

DMSci Risto Renkonen is the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and has served as professor of glycobiology at the Haartman Institute since 2007.

Twitter: @rrenkone ‏

Paula Eerola (b. 1962)

DPhil Paula Eerola is the director of the Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) and has served as professor of physics since 2008. She is also the chair of the Academy of Finland’s Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering.

Twitter: @PaEerola

Ritva Toivonen (b. 1962)

DPhil Ritva Toivonen is a docent at the University of Helsinki and the CEO of the Rauma Chamber of Commerce. She has previously served as director at Forestry Development Centre Tapio, CEO of Tapio Ltd and research director at PTT – Pellervo Economic Research Institute.

Twitter: @ritvatoivonen

Pia Letto-Vanamo (b. 1954)

Doctor of Laws Pia Letto-Vanamo has served as the research director of the Institute of International Economic Law at the University of Helsinki since 2013, after serving as the director of the Institute 2001–2012.

Antti Räsänen (b. 1961)

Since 2012, Doctor of Theology Antti Räsänen has served as the professor of practical theology. Räsänen became the director of the doctoral school of the Faculty of Theology in 2014.

Hannu Nieminen (b. 1952)

DPhil Hannu Nieminen is the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and has been the professor of media and communication policy since 2006. Hannu Nieminen’s term will conclude on 29 February 2020.