By the closing date of 28 February, the following ten individuals applied for the position of chancellor of the University of Helsinki:
Antti Arjava
Francesco Basso
Kaarle Hämeri
Mika-Petri Laakkonen
Erika Löfström
Henrik Meinander
Fernando Oliveira Di Prinzio
Markku Rautiainen
Risto Renkonen
Jan Smolarski
The chancellor is appointed by the University Collegium, which will decide on the appointment schedule in its meeting on 16 March 2022. The chancellor’s five-year term begins on 1 October 2022.
Chancellor’s duties
Pursuant to the Universities Act, the chancellor of the University of Helsinki is in charge of promoting science and scholarship and the University’s public engagement, as well as overseeing the University’s general interests and operations. The chancellor has the right to be present and speak at the sessions of the Finnish Government which deal with matters pertaining to the University of Helsinki.
According to the Regulations of the University, the chancellor grants the titles of professor and docent. The chancellor is also in charge of inquiries concerning alleged violations of the responsible conduct of research. In accordance with the division of duties agreed with the University leadership, the chancellor oversees the University’s fundraising efforts. The current chancellor of the University is Kaarle Hämeri, PhD.