How the strike affects the services at the University of Helsinki on Wednesday, 28 February

Targeted industrial action takes place as a strike at the University of Helsinki on 28.2.2018.

Teaching and student services

All teaching is cancelled during Wednesday. Also student service points are closed. If some teachers will decide to teach, the students will be notified accordingly. 

In the Learning center Aleksandria you can take exams in Examinarium electronic exam rooms also during the strike. Other Examinarium electronic exam rooms are closed.

Open University

All teaching is cancelled during Wednesday. Also student service points are closed. Exams will take place normally. The courses taught by the partner institutions are not cancelled.


The National Library will be closed. In addition, the Helsinki University Library will be closed, but the Aleksandria Learning Centre and the Minerva Learning Centre on the City Centre Campus and the Terkko Health Hub on the Meilahti Campus will remain open. 

No customer service either on phone or online during the strike.

Main Library is closed

Kumpula Campus Library is closed

Meilahti Campus Library is open (8.00-20.00), Service Desk is closed

Viikki Campus Library is closed

Learning Centre Aleksandria is open (8.00-19.45)

Learning Centre Minerva is open (8.00-19.45)

As a precautionary measure, due dates falling on the strike day, 28 February, have been moved forward to Thursday, 1 March.

University of Helsinki premises

University of Helsinki Property Services is not taking part in the strike. However, there could be closed facilities at the campuses, such as Helsinki University Libraries.


UniSport will be open as usual.

UniCafe student restaurants

Restaurants will be open with the following exceptions:

  • Fredrika is closed
  • Main Building cafeteria is open 8.30-16
  • Olivia 8.30-14
  • Oliver is closed
  • Rotunda is closed
  • Viikuna 8-14
  • Korona 9-16
  • Chemicum teacher restaurant is closed
  • Physicum 9-16

Animal Hospital

Emergency care is provided as usual.

Museums and public attractions

ThinkCorner is open as usual.

Helsinki University Museum is closed.

Luomus, The Natural History Museum and the glasshouses of the Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden are closed.