Researchers at the University of Helsinki join the search for sustainable pig production systems

The international research project Sustainable Pig Production Systems (SusPigSys) is a multidisciplinary project, including several dimensions of sustainable production systems. The aim is to develop holistic on-farm assessment methods for animal welfare and health, use of veterinary drugs, environmental and economical impact and producer perceptions on pig farms in Europe.

SusPigSys will produce a toolbox for measuring a combination of important elements of sustainability. At the end of the project, this toolbox will be freely available in web. The Research centre of animal welfare at the Helsinki University is responsible for developing the tools to measure pig health and welfare. 

The project is funded by the EU  Horizon 2020 -program trough ERA-NET SusAn. SusPigSys has partners from Finland, German, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and UK. The Finnish part is funded by the Ministry of agriculture and forestry, Finland and the project began on September 1st, 2017.

More Information

Anna Valros, puh. 050-4151242,
Camilla Munsterhjelm, puh. 050-5942240,