The University of Helsinki is improving the transparency of its investments

The University of Helsinki seeks to enhance its investment activities by focusing its investments to effective and responsible investment funds. As a part of its responsibility efforts, the University will publish any new significant long-term investments as they are executed.

With the help of #helfunds, a new fund list, the aim is to increase the transparency of the University’s investment activities and promote equal access to investment product information. The fund list does not constitute advice to subscribe to, redeem or exchange fund shares. Before making an investment, the investor should examine fund-specific material, which, among other things, describes the associated risks.

“The principle of openness is an important part of the responsible investment activities of the University of Helsinki. Our responsibility to our partners in particular, such as the taxpayers and donors who fund the University, requires an open and transparent approach to investment,” says Anders Ekholm, the University’s chief investment officer.

“The University of Helsinki wants to fulfil part of its societal responsibility by contributing to the public discourse on investing. The University represents an investment perspective based on science and facts, which also entails cost awareness, diversification and the management of risks associated with sustainable development.”

#helfunds fund list

Spring 2019: Handelsbanken Global Index Criteria

Autumn 2019: SEB Sustainability Global Index Fund

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