A donation from Fazer to coronavirus research

According to Fazer, improving diagnostic tools targeted at the coronavirus and drug therapies for the COVID-19 disease must be a goal shared by all.

The family-owned Finnish company Fazer has donated €10,000 to coronavirus-related research conducted at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Helsinki.

“Fazer wants to be part of solving the corona crisis and supporting the recovery of society. By supporting research, we are living our values helping to create solutions that benefit not only Fazer, but society at large,” says Christoph Vitzthum, CEO and president of the Fazer Group.

At the University of Helsinki, there are a number of research groups conducting research related to the coronavirus, with researchers feverishly developing new diagnostic tools and drug therapies for COVID-19. Furthermore, research-based knowledge helps to prepare for future challenges in the longer term.

Diverse partnership between Fazer and the University of Helsinki

“On behalf of the University, I wish to offer our heartfelt thanks to the Fazer Group for their donation in support of our campaign. It’s great to receive a donation from a company that is well loved by many Finns and that is also an important partner to the University in many ways,” states Chancellor Kaarle Hämeri.

Fazer and the University of Helsinki have a long shared history of diverse research and innovation collaboration, as well as sharing knowledge and skills. Fazer also employs a substantial number of University alumni.

Solv­ing the crisis – Sup­port coronavirus research

Researchers at the University of Helsinki are tirelessly developing new diagnostics and drug therapies to treat coronavirus infections. Among the key lines of research are identifying antibodies to prevent and treat the disease, investigating opportunities in drug treatment and developing tests. Our researchers have already created a test that can be used to determine which people have had the disease. The study is based on solid expertise in virology as well as the study of zoonoses and infections at the University of Helsinki.

To achieve our objectives, we need your help. Donate now and help us find new solutions for treating coronavirus infections and preventing similar crises in the future.

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Read more on COVID-19 website that lists common efforts of researchers and research groups working on the ongoing pandemic COVID-19 in collaboration with Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) and The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).